ICT Mumbai MSc Chemistry Junior Research Fellow Vacancy

ICT Mumbai MSc Job Applications are invited for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) on the research project entitled “Developments of cavitational reactors for processing of sustainable biomass,” sponsored by the Khepra lnc, USA under the guidance of prof. parag R. Gogate of the Chemical Engineering Department.

Job Title: Junior Research Fellow

Salary Rs. 30,000 Consolidated

Eligbility Criteria: 

MSc (Organic Chemistry)/M tech  in chemical engineering

No.of posts: 01

Duration of the project: 6 Months (may be extended by another 6 months)

Desirable: in the area of cavitational reactors, chemical synthesis, hands on training in conducting reactions

How To Apply: 

Interested candidates are requested to send applications (cover letter and CV giving the
details of prior research experience) by email to [email protected]
with CC to Prof. Parag Gogate ([email protected] on or before 17th august 2023. The subject of the email should clearly state the following: “Application for the post
of JRF on the research project with Prof. P.R. Gogate”
The shortlisted candidates will be informed about the interview details by 20th August 2023.

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ICT Mumbai MSc Job Looking for

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