Bose Institute PhD Admissions 2024 For Spring Programme, Apply Online

Bose Institute Admissions 2024

Bose Institute Admissions 2024 PhD Spring Session, Apply Online

Bose Institute Admissions 2024 PhD Spring Session, Apply Online. PhD Spring Admissions 2024 at Bose Institute. Interested and eligible applicants can check out all of the details on the same below

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Bose Institute
(An autonomous research institute of Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of India)

Advertisement No. : BI/NET-JRF/01/2024-25

Admission for PhD Programme
Spring 2024

Bose Institute, Kolkata is an Autonomous S&T Institute under Department of Science & Technology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India, receiving 100% Grant-in-Aid from Government of India. For details of various academic research activities, please visit Institute’s website at

Acharya J.C. Bose, the founder of modern science in the Indian subcontinent, established Bose Institute in 1917. The Institute was set up as Asia’s first interdisciplinary research centre and bears a century-old tradition of excellence in research.

The Institute desires to admit students for its Ph.D. programme twice a year. Interviews for this session will be held tentatively during second week of June 2024.

Areas of research – Environmental Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Life Sciences & Physical Sciences.

Candidates are required to provide a Statement of Purpose (SOP)

, in prescribed format.

Fellowship – Admissible as per Govt. of India rules as provided by UGC/CSIR/DBT/ DST/ICMR etc.

Total number of vacancies: 50 (UR-22, OBC-13, SC-07, ST-3, EWS-5)

Age limit: Below 30 years (relaxation of age is applicable as per Government of India rules).

Eligibility for PhD Interview

  1. Candidates should have an award of JRF (CSIR-UGC JRF/ DBT-JRF/ ICMR-JRF/ DST- INSPIRE/ DBT-BINC or equivalent), whose last date of validity should not be earlier than 30th September, 2024. If candidates, who are in the final year of their Master’s degree programme and are in possession of an award of a JRF, are selected, they will have to submit their final degree certificate at the time of joining.
  2. Master’s degree or equivalent in any of the following fields: Engineering/ Science/ Technology with at least 55 % of marks for general candidates, while 50% marks are necessary for SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer)/ differently-abled and other categories of candidates, as per UGC norms.
  3. DST-INSPIRE candidates can only be admitted provisionally. Confirmation of their admission to the PhD programme of Bose Institute is subject to the final award of INSPIRE fellowship by DST. If the candidate is finally not awarded the INSPIRE fellowship by DST, his/her provisional admission is liable to be cancelled by the Institute. In case of DST Inspire Fellowship, the candidate must be qualified NET-LS/GATE/similar National Level Test, for being considered in the Ph.D. Programme in Bose Institute.
  4. Candidates who have qualified in GATE/ JEST/ JGEEBILS/ NET (LS) etc., but who do not have a valid award of JRF mentioned in (1) above, or equivalent, are ineligible to apply.
  5. No student awarded for ICAR Fellowship will be eligible for participating in the Ph.D. Programme in Bose Institute.

Application Process

  • Interested candidates fulfilling the required eligibility should apply online at the URL –
  • Deadline for online application – 23:59 Hrs. on 20.05.2024
  • An acknowledgement receipt will be generated following successful submission of the online application form. Candidates should retain this receipt for future reference. If called for the interview, candidates must produce this acknowledgement receipt. No candidate will be allowed to appear for the interview without this receipt.
  • For any difficulties pertaining to the online application, please send an email to –
    [email protected].

Selection Process –

  1. Candidates are advised to fill up the online application carefully and provide the information as required. Candidates are requested to visit the Institute website ( regularly for updates. No separate intimation will be sent to any candidate.
  2. Candidates should carefully fill up all the details required in the online application form including age, educational qualification, details of valid community certificates, etc., as no correspondence regarding change of details will be entertained once the applications is submitted. If any of their claims is found to be false or incorrect, it will lead to rejection of their candidature.
  3. The prescribed essential qualifications indicated are bare minimum and mere possession of same will not entitle the candidate to be called for interview.
  4. Candidates shall have to produce all the original documents/certificates in support of at their age, reservation category, educational qualifications along with one set of a self-attested copies of the same, at the time appearing for interview for verification, failing which he/she will not be allowed to appear for interview.
  5. The Institute reserves the right to restrict the number of candidates called for the 1st round of interview to a reasonable limit on the basis of qualifications. The Institute also reserves the right to not call for the 2nd round of interview those candidates whose score in the 1st round of interview fall below a certain cut-off.
  6. Names of the shortlisted candidates, along with the date and time of interview will be
    displayed on the Institute website
    • It should be noted that mere appearance on the shortlist does not imply admission
    • The interview will be conducted in offline mode. Online interview will be taken only if :
    (i) The candidate’s place of residence is beyond 100 km from the Unified Academic
    Campus of Bose Institute (candidate must furnish proof of residence)
    (ii) The candidate will be appearing for an interview at another institution on the same
    date (candidate must furnish a copy of interview letter, dated prior to the publication
    of the interview schedule of Bose Institute on the Institute website, which mentions the
    date of interview)
    In such cases candidate must submit request via email ([email protected])
    within two days of publication of interview schedule on Bose Institute website.
  7. A two-step screening process will be followed, with knowledge in core subject being assessed in the first step and suitability of the candidate for conducting scientific research at Bose Institute, along with finalization of Ph.D. guide-candidate matching, being assessed in the second step. At the time of application, candidates will be required to submit a Statement of Purpose, which will be taken into consideration during the second round of screening.
  8. The Institute reserves the right to decide the mode of screening the applications for short listing and selection.
  9. Eligibility criteria including upper age limit will be reckoned on the last date of submission of application.
  10. Only shortlisted candidates will be intimated the date of interview only via email to the respective email addresses provided in the application forms (candidates are advised to check their email on a regular basis). The list will also be available at
  11. Before applying, the applicants should ensure that they possess at least the essential qualifications and other conditions specified in the advertisement. If a candidate is found ineligible, his/her candidature will be cancelled at any stage of interview process. It may be noted that even if a candidate qualified in the interview and subsequently it is found that he/she does not fulfill the eligibility criteria, his/her candidature will be cancelled.
  12. All supporting documents are required to be uploaded and therefore, candidates are advised to prepare the PDF files of the required documents before starting the online application process.
  13. No TA/DA is admissible for appearing for the interview.
  14. Specific instructions regarding the interview will be communicated to the shortlisted candidates only.
  15. The final list of selected candidates will be displayed on the Institute website
  16. The Institute Authority reserves the right to reject any or all applications without assigning any reason thereof.
  17. The Institute reserves the right not to fill all the posts advertised and to reject any or all applications without assigning reason.
  18. The candidates must keep a watch at Institute’s website for any amendment.
  19. No interim queries in any form whatsoever will be entertained.
  20. Canvassing or bringing influence in any form will disqualify the candidature.
  21. Age relaxation will be given to the eligible candidates as per Govt. of India guidelines.
  22. Reservation rules, as notified by UGC for reservation to SC/ST/OBC/EWS, shall be applicable.
  23. Caste Certificate shall be furnished by the respective candidate to claim reservation in SC/ST/OBC category.
  24. Any candidate claiming to belong to the OBC shall furnish a certificate in the prescribed form signed by any of the specified authorities. No other certificate will be accepted. The caste certificate issuing authority should also certify that the candidate does not belong any of the Creamy Layers (format given in Bose Institute website).
  25. All disputes shall come under the Kolkata jurisdiction.

Important Dates

  • Last Date for online application: 23:59 Hrs. on 20.05.2024
  • For all information to follow our website at


Download the annexures here

Editor’s Note: Bose Institute Admissions 2024 PhD. Bose Institute Admissions 2024 PhD Spring Session, Apply Online. Subscribe to Rasayanika for the latest chemistry and Pharma job openings, follow us on Facebook and Telegram and subscribe to our youtube channel for the latest updates on chemistry and Pharma jobs and much more.


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