CSIR CSIO MSc Chemistry Recruitment – Applications Invited
CSIR-CSIO R & D projects CSIR-Central Scientific Instruments Organisation (CSIR-CSIO) announces job opening for MSc Chemistry job opening 2023. Chemistry job opening 2023. Job opening for candidates with Masters degree in chemistry at CSIO. CSIR-CSIO job opening 2023
Project Scheme: R&D Project sponsored by DST
Project Title: DEEP: Development of an Efficient Photoelectrode for Hydrogen
Fuel from Water
Job Title: Project Associate-I
No.of posts: 01
Tenure: Up to 30th September 2023
Essential Qualification:
M.Sc. in Chemistry/Material Science Or Bachelor in Engineering in Chemical
Engineering, Nanotechnology, Materials, Biotechnology or equivalent
• Experience in electrochemistry
• Experience in Material Synthesis and Characterization
• Candidate having publication or any fellowship may be preferred.
*Project Associate-I:
(1) (Rs. 31,000/- + HRA to Scholars who are selected through
(a) National Eligibility testsCSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship)
or GATE or
(b) A selection process through National level examination conducted
by Central Government Departments and their agencies and
(ii) 25000/- + HRA for others who do not fall under (i) above. *As per requirement of PI
How To Apply:
Candidates who fulfill the under-mentioned criteria of age, educational qualifications, and experience etc. may fill the
online Application Form through ‘Recruitment’ link on CSIR-CSIO website www.csio.res.in and upload the relevant documents (certificates of educational qualifications, experience, DOB, category etc.) in a single file on the online application portal on or before last date i.e.20.04.2023 The link will get disabled after last date at 5:00 PM.No hard copies of applications should be sent to this Office. Engagement will be purely on contract/temporary basis and co-terminus with the completion of the project. The exact date and time for holding physical/virtual interviews of the shortlisted candidates will be intimated on our website/intimated through e-mail in due course
Please note:
1. The performance of the candidates selected against all the above-mentioned positions will be reviewed at regular intervals (3/6 months etc.) and based on the performance as per the project mandate, further extension (if applicable) will be provided from time to time.
2. The candidates who have already served CSIR-CSIO or any other lab / institute of CSIR as any Project Assistant / Project Fellow / JRF (in contract R&D projects) / SRF (in contract R&D projects) / Research Associate etc. for a total period of 5 years or more are not eligible for these engagements. The candidates who have served for a period less than 5 years will have tenure up to remaining period till completion of five years.
3. Medical Facilities for selfwill be provided through CSIR-CSIO Dispensary only to the extent available as per rules. This will be limited to self only and not for family members/dependents.
4. Reservation: As regards reservation, if all things are equal, SC/ST/OBC/PH candidates may be given preference over General candidates so as to ensure their representation.
5. In case a large number of candidates apply for the position, Selection/Screening Committee will have discretion to shortlist the candidates for interview based on written exam or percentage of marks or desirable qualification/experience or higher qualification or any other criteria deemed fit. In respect of equivalence clause in Essential Qualifications, if a candidate is claiming a particular qualification as equivalent qualification for recruitment as per the requirement of advertisement, then the candidate is required to produce order/letter in this regard, indicating the Authority (with number and date) under which it has been so treated otherwise the Application is liable to be rejected.
6. List of selected candidates will be displayed on website. In addition, a waiting panel will also be drawn for meeting future requirements of the project and it will be valid for one year.
7. The selected candidates are expected to join within fifteen days from the date of receiving offer of appointment, after completion of pre-appointment formalities like medical examination and character verification etc.
8. The selected candidates will have to deposit an amount equivalent to Fifteen Day’s stipend as a Security Deposit (Refundable) with CSIR-CSIO, at the time of joining.
9. CSIR-CSIO reserves the right to cancel or withdraw the award in case of any discrepancy found, in the candidature of any selected candidate at any stage.
10. CSIR-CSIO reserves the right not to fill up a particular position, if it so desires. The number of vacancies indicated above may vary at the time of actual selection.
11. No TA will be paid to the candidates for attending the interview.
12. The engagement as a Research Intern (RI) (if applicable) under the ‘CSIR Diamond Jubilee Research Intern Awards’ Scheme is purely on temporary basis. The Intern shall have no claim for further extension, absorption or regularization in CSIR after the expiry/termination of the Internship. The engagement can be terminated by either side by giving one month’s notice OR stipend in lieu thereof without assigning any reasons. It is not a CSIR-CSIO appointment and will not confer any right on the incumbent to any claim implicit or explicit on any position.
13. All the above positions in CSIR-CSIO are purely temporary contractual engagement co-terminus with the projects. The number of vacancies indicated above may increase/decrease.
14. The guidelines issued by CSIR Headquarters for the projects sponsored by CSIR shall be applicable as per CSIR OM dated 13 August, 2020 and 9th March, 2021 (available on www.csir.res.in). CSIR has adopted DST, GoI OM No. SR/S9/Z-05/2019 dated 10 July 2020 pertaining to guidelines and emoluments of project staff in R&D projects.
15. DST OM No. SR/S9/Z-08/2018 dated 30.01.2019 shall be applicable for DST sponsored projects for JRF/SRF.
16. CSIR Guidelines for Ethics in Research and in Governance, as made applicable vide CSIR OM No. 30/GB/2019-MD dated February 28, 2020 (available on csir.res.in) and amended from time to time shall apply.
17. The period of experience in a discipline / area of work, wherever prescribed, shall be counted after the date of acquiring the minimum prescribed educational qualifications for that position.
18. Other terms & conditions will be governed as per guidelines issued by the funding agency/CSIR for the engagement of above Project Staff/RI as amended from time to time.
Last Date To Apply: before last date i.e.20.04.2023
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