Recruitment of JRF under DST-SERB sponsored project @ BDU
Recruitment of JRF under DST-SERB sponsored project @ BDU. Msc Chemistry jobs, Chemistry jobs, Chemistry Junior Research Fellow post at BDU. Junior Research Fellow post at BDU, jrf Post at BDU. Applications are invited from highly motivated candidates for the post of one Junior Research Fellow under DST SERB funded project. Msc Chemistry Candidates with NET/GATE qualification may apply for this job post via online, mode. Check out all the details on the same below:
Project Title: “Transition Metal Oxo and Hydroxo Cages containing Novell,N, OPincer type
Schiff base Ligands: Structure, Small Molecule Activation, Kinetics, Electrochemical and
biological applications”
Job Title: Junior Research Fellow
Essential qualifications: M.Sc.inChemistry(preference will be given to M.Phil scholars if they appear)
JRF with NET/GATE qualification Rs. 31,000/- (1st and 2nd Year) Rs. 35,000 (3rd year)
JRF without NET/GATE qualification Rs.16,000 +HRA+MA (1st and 2nd Year) and Rs.18000
(3rd year) + HRA + MA as perBharathidasan University norms.
General Terms and Condition:
The position is temporary and renewable each year subject to satisfactory
performance for a maximum of three years. The position is coterminous with the project.
How To Apply:
Completed applicationsshouldreachonorbefore18thMay 2019to the following mail
address.[email protected]and one hard copy must be sent to the following address.
Dr. NagarajanLoganathan
UGC – AssistantProfessor
School of Chemistry, Bharathidasan University
Tiruchirappalli 620 024
[email protected] and [email protected]
Last Date To Apply: 18 th May 2019
View Main Notification
Editor’s Note:Â Recruitment of JRF under DST-SERB sponsored project @ BDU. Msc Chemistry jobs, Chemistry jobs, Chemistry Junior Research Fellow post at BDU. Junior Research Fellow post at BDU, jrf Post at BDU, Subscribe to Rasayanika for latest chemistry and Pharma jobs. Follow us on Facebook.