Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur Post Doctoral Fellowships
Applications are invited from Indian Nationals, with consistently good academic record and
interdisciplinary research potential, for 12 full-time Institute Post-Doctoral Fellowships (PDFs) to carry out research in Chemistry and Pharma areas at the Institute:
Applicant’s Eligibility
Candidates with a PhD degree in an appropriate discipline, with consistently good academic record throughout 10th to PhD with at least First Class Degree throughout, can apply for the Institute Post-Doctoral Fellowship positions, within five years of the award of the PhD program.
Age Limit: Applicants for the Post-Doctoral Fellowship shall be less than 35 years of age, relaxable by 5 years for women and reserved category applicants.
Duration: The duration of the fellowship is initially for a period of 2 years, extendable for a further period of one more year based on the progress of the Post-Doctoral Fellow, and the recommendation of the Mentor Faculty Member and approval by a duly constituted committee for the purpose.
Fellowship Grant: Post-Doctoral Fellow shall be paid a fellowship amount of Rs. 40,000/- per month. If available, suitable on-campus accommodation may be provided as per IIT Jodhpur norms. Alternatively, each fellow shall be paid House Rent Allowance of Rs
. 8,000 per month.]Other Benefits
(a) Contingency Grant
A contingency grant of Rs.1,00,000 per annum will be provided to the Post-Doctoral Fellow towards for research equipment, consumable and contingency. The Fellow may use only upto 25% of the contingency grant for attending National or International Conference/Workshop
(b) Medical benefits/Insurance
Outpatient Medical benefits and limited Insurance will be provided for coverage.
General Instruction to Applicants
- Applications are welcomed throughout the year. The interested candidates are required to apply only through ONLINE. For submitting the application form through the online process, please visit Institute’s website: ( After submission of application a PDF of the completed form will be generated. The applicants are required to sign it and send it along with all self-attested relevant supporting documents by post to IIT Jodhpur.
- Applications will be screened for interview once every three months.
- Selection will be based on the need in certain areas within the listed disciplines. Also, applicants with exceptionally meritorious academic background with background in any area of disciplines other than the disciplines listed, may send their applications for active consideration.
- Shortlisted applicants from within India have to give presentation and Interview in person and person from outside India may give their presentation and interview through Video Conferencing/Web based application.
- The prescribed essential qualification indicated are bare minimum, and mere possessions of same will not entitle applicants to be offered the Fellowship. Therefore applicants should furnish details of all qualifications possessed in the relevant field along with documentary evidences.
- In case of exceptional applicants, the Institute reserves the right to relax age and/or qualifications. Applicants are requested to provide the certificates in required format along with the application form.
- The Institute reserves the right to fill or not to fill any or all of the advertised Fellowships.
- Applicants employed in Government and Semi-Government Organizations, Public Sector
Enterprises, Autonomous Organizations, University and Educational Institutes, must send their application through their present employers. If they anticipate unavoidable delay in their application being forwarded through proper channel, they may send advance copies of their applications directly to the Institute. - Incomplete application and without relevant supporting documents will not be considered.
- The Institute may verify the antecedents or documents submitted by the applicant prior to offering the Fellowship or during the tenure of the Fellowship. In case, it is detected that the documents submitted by the applicants are fake or the applicant has a clandestine antecedents or background and has suppressed the said information, then the Fellowship shall be terminated immediately.
- The envelope should be super-scribed as “Application for Post-Doctoral Fellowship” and posted to:
Officer In-charge (Recruitment)
Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur
Old Residency Road, Ratanada
Jodhpur 342011, India
Phone: (91 291) 244 9071;
eMail: [email protected]
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Editor’s Note: Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur Post Doctoral Fellowships, Jodhpur Post Doctoral Fellowships, chemistry fellowship, pharma fellowship. Indian Institute of Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur, Post Doctoral Fellowships, Subscribe to Rasayanika for latest chemistry and pharma jobs. Follow us on Facebook.