15+ Multiple Chemistry/Pharma Job CDRI is looking for enthusiastic, talented young researchers / professionals. Chemistry job opening 2023, Pharma job opening 2023 With the aim to expand and strengthen the areas of Neurobiology, Virology, Parasite Biology, Endocrinology, Human Genetics, Analytical Biochemistry, Computational Chemistry, Medicinal Process Chemistry, Statistics, IPR & HR Management, the Institute is looking for enthusiastic, talented young researchers / professionals with brilliant academic record, proven scientific achievements and zeal to conduct research as per the mandate of the
Institute aligned with National Missions
Post Code: 008.
Job Title: Project Associate-I
No.of posts: One (01)
Eligbility Criteria: M.Sc. in Chemistry.
Salary: (i)Rs. 31,000+18% HRA p.m. to Scholars who are selected through (a)
National Eligibility TestsCSIR-UGC NET including
lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE or (b)
A selection process through National level examination conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and
(ii) 25,000+18% HRA p.m. for others who do not fall under (i)
Age: 35 Yrs.
Project Code & Title: CSIR (MLP2031) “Chemical biology approaches towards
dissecting non-canonical protein functions and novel targets in Malaria,
Leishmania and Filaria parasites”
Tenure up to – 31.03.2025
Post Code: 009.
Job Title: Project Associate-I
No.of posts: Six (06)
Eligbility Criteria
: Masters degree in Chemistry/Pharmaceutical Chemistry/Chemical Science Qualified in any national level exam NET LSGATE/GPATSalary: (i)Rs. 31,000+18% HRA p.m. toScholars who are selected
through (a) National Eligibility TestsCSIR-UGC NET including lectureship
(Assistant Professorship) or GATE or (b)
A selection process through National level examination conducted by
Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions.
(ii) 25,000+18% HRA p.m. for others who do not fall under (i)
Age: 35 Yrs.
Project Code & Project Title: CSIR (HCP0050) “Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients for
affordable Health Care (API-AHC)”
Tenure up to – 31.03.2025
Post Code: 011.
Project Title: JRF(Project)
No.of posts: Three (03)
Eligbility Criteria: M.Sc. in Chemistry/Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Some Research Experience.
SALARY: (i)Rs. 31,000+18% HRA p.m. to Scholars who are selected
through (a) National Eligibility TestsCSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant
Professorship) or GATE or (b) A selection process through
Age: 28 Yrs.
Project Code & Project Title: DST (GAP0439)
“Creation of Nodal Centers for development and production of key starting materials, intermediates and other raw materials that are required by Health
Care Sector.”
Tenure up to – 30.03.2024
Post Code: 012.
Job Title: Project Associate-I
No.of posts: Three (03)
Eligbility Criteria: M.Sc. in Chemistry/M.Pharm. in Medicinal Chemistry Experience in
Organic synthesis
Salary: (i)Rs. 31,000+18% HRA p.m. to Scholars who are selected
through (a) National Eligibility TestsCSIR-UGC NET including lectureship
(Assistant Professorship) or GATE or (b)
A selection process through National level examination conducted by Central Government
Departments and their Agencies and Institutions.
(ii) 25,000+18% HRA p.m. for others who do not fall under (i)
Age: 35 Yrs.
Project Title & Project Code: CSIR (HCP0041) “Discovery & Pre-clinical Development
of Antivirals for COVID-19 & Other diseases”
Tenure upto – 31.03.2025
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