CSIR Hrdg has announced the results and cutoff of the Joint CSIR-UGC National Eligibility Test (NET) for Junior Research Fellowship and Lectureship/Assistant Professor, December 2022/June 2023 (merged cycle) on 31st July 2023.
The cutoff for the CSIR NET December 2022/June 2023 (merged cycle) Exam has also been announced.
Things needed to check your results?
- You need to have your roll number to check your rank.
Check out the detailed cut-off and CSIR NET JRF & LS Rank below:
CSIR NET 2023 Cut OFF For Chemical Science (JRF-Junior Research Fellowship)
Subject | Junior Research Fellowship (NET) | |||||
UR (%) | EWS (%) | OBC (%) | SC (%) | ST (%) | PwD (%) | |
Chemical Science | 53.75 % | 48.25 % | 47.25 % | 37.25 % | 30.75 % | 25.00 % |
CSIR NET 2023 Cut OFF For Chemical Science (LS-Lectureship/Assistant Professor)
Subject | Lectureship/ Assistant Professor (NET) | |||||
UR (%) | EWS (%) | OBC (%) | SC (%) | ST (%) | PwD (%) | |
Chemical Science | 48.375 % | 43.425 % | 42.525 % | 33.525 % | 27.675 % | 25.00 % |
CSIR NET 2022 Exam Results – Check Your Rank
Kindly Note:
- There is no separate cut-off for Part A, B & C. The cumulative marks of all parts are taken into consideration for drawing of merit list.
- The date of declaration of Joint CSIR-UGC NET for Junior Research Fellowship & Eligibility for Lectureship/Assistant Professor (NET) Dec-22/June-2023 Exam is 29/07/2023.
- Candidates with Bachelor’s Degree are eligible for Fellowship only as per the Clause 2.1.1 of Information Bulletin.
- Ranks are allotted first to all successful candidates qualifying for Junior Research Fellowship as per the merit list of JRF and then the candidates are distributed between CSIR and UGC in the ratio of number of fellowships shared between these two for each subject except Bachelor’s degree holder’s who are allocated to CSIR.
- There is a minimum bench mark of 33 % for General, EWS & OBC category and 25 % in respect of SC/ST and PwD categories for both fellowship and Lectureship/Assistant Professor.
- In case of any discrepancy, the criteria(s) mentioned in the Information Bulletin will be treated as final
CSIR HRDG is not responsible for any inadvertent error that may have crept in the result being published on internet.
CSIR NET Dec 2022 Exam notification is yet to be released and there is no clarity concerning the same. However, if you are planning to attempt the CSIR NET Dec 2022 Exam then now is the right time to start your preparation.
Check out this link for more details or call 1800-1200-1818
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