OSSC Chemistry Laboratory Assistant Job Opening – Apply Now
Recruitment to the post of Laboratory Assistant-cum-Storekeeper in Government Colleges indifferent Practical Subjects on Contractual Basis under Director of Higher Education, Government of Odisha. Check out all the details on the same below:
Online Applications are invited for selection of candidates for recruitment to 294 nos. of Laboratory Assistant-cum-Storekeeper in Govt. Colleges, in different Practical subjects under Director of Higher Education, Odisha, Bhubaneswar.
Job Title: Laboratory Assistant-cum-Storekeeper
No.of posts: 03
Eligibility for Laboratory Assistant Job:
I. The candidates must have. possessed Bachelors Degree with honours in respective Practical Subjects from a recognised University. The candidate must have passed the examination on the closing date of the online application form.
II. The applicant must have Odia as one of the subjects in the HSC or passed examination in Odia equivalent to M.E. standard or passed in Odia as a language subject in the final examination of Class-VII or passed a test in Odia in M.E. School Standard conducted by Education Department Govt. of Odisha on the date of the Application.
Provision of the assistance of Scribe
PwD candidates who have not less than 40% disability and have limitation in writing shall have
the option to use his own his/her own scribe. The intending candidates have to give an option in the appropriate place while filling up online application form and also to submit the required certificate prescribed by the Commission as per Advisory Notice No.3453/OSSC dated 24.10.20 I 9 available in the website of the Commission www.ossc.gov.in.Scale of Pay & Condition of Service:-
The appointment will be initially on contractual basis carrying a consolidated pay of Rs.16,880/- per month(lst year) as per Odisha Group-B Posts Contractual Appointment Rules,2013 notified vide Government in GA Department Notification No. 1147-GAD-SCRULES-0061-2013/Gen dated 1st January 2014 and as amended vide Government in GA & PG Department Notification No.GAD-SC-RULES-0037-2017-19569/Gen. Dtd. 12th Sept. 2017. However, the Salary /Scale of pay and other conditions of service may vary as per the decision of the Government of Odisha from to time. The service condition shall be governed by relevant recruitment rules in force and also guided by Odisha Group-B Posts Contractual Appointment Rules,2013.
Age Limit for Laboratory Assistant Job:
The minimum age for the post is 21 years and the maximum age is 32 years as on 01.01.2018. The upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for candidates belonging to SEBC, SC, ST & all Women candidates, IO years for candidates belonging to PwD category & the total period of service rendered in defence service in case of Ex-servicemen.
Registration Fees:
Online Fee Depositing process in State Bank of India (SBI) through State Bank Collect Portal. Important: Candidate other than SC, ST & PwD category needs to “Make Online Payment” of Rs. 200/-for submission of online application form for the post. Once SBI Collect of State Bank of India portal is opened, then DO NOT click Refresh or Back Button.
How To Apply:
The applicants have to go through the detailed advertisement before filling up the online application.
1. (a) Aspirants have to apply online using the official website of the Commission “www.ossc.gov.in“. The applicants other than S.C., S.T. & PwD categories are required to deposit non-refundable examination fee of Rs.200/- only through online mode following the procedure as detailed at clause-6 of this advertisement to apply for the post. By clicking on the tab ‘online application’ in the home page of the website, different advertisement for online application along with different useful details will be displayed on the computer screen. The instructions provided in this Advertisement are required to be read carefully before proceeding to complete the online application process.
(i) For Registration.
(ii) For registered user login.
All the Candidates first need to complete the registration process before filling the Application Form.
For Registration, the candidate needs to click the link “For Registration” present in the Form Link section. On clicking the link mentioned, he/she will be redirected to the Registration Form, where few basic Details will be required as follows to be filled up by the applicant correct
• Recruitment for the post will be guided by the Odisha Government Colleges Laboratory Assistant-cum-Store keeper (Method of Recruitment & Condition of Service) Rules 2017.
• Candidate must not be below 21 Years and must not exceed 32 years of age as on 1st January 2018 to be eligible to apply for the post (refer to Clause-S(a) of this Advertisement) with usual age relaxation for reserved categories as per relevant rules of Govt. in force.
Online Application registration will be made available from 31.12.2019 till 30.01.2020 by 11.55 P.M in the official website of the Commission “www.ossc.gov.in“. Application other than online mode shall not be accepted by the Commission.
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