Lok Sabha Secretariat Chemistry Recruitment - Salary Upto Rs 1.4 Lakhs pm

Govt Bsc Chemistry Job – Lok sabha Chemistry Recruitment

Applications are invited from the eligible Indian citizens for the Assistant post in Parliament Museum Service in Lok Sabha Secretariat on Direct Recruitment basis. Lok Sabha Secretariat Chemistry Recruitment. Lok Sabha Chemistry Job Opening. Interested and eligible candidates may check out all the details on the same below:

Job Title: Conservation Assistant

Educational Qualifications:

Bachelor’s degree with Chemistry from a recognised University.


02 years in a reputed Conservation Laboratory/Museum, being well versed with various
works related to Museum, including conservation of papers and textiles and other
collections. Must possess knowledge and experience of latest conservation techniques.

Level in the Pay Matrix: 7 (Rs. 44900-142400)

Vacancies: 01

AGE LIMIT: Upper age limit is 27 years

How To Apply:

I. Eligible candidates have to apply for the above posts in a typewritten/printed application form, either in English or in Hindi, strictly in the format prescribed in this Advertisement. The candidates may take a print out of the same. The candidates are advised to carefully fill up the various columns in the application form. It is the sole responsibility of the candidates to ensure that she/he fulfills the eligibility criteria. The admission of

candidates at all the stages of examination will be purely provisional subject to satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions. In the event of any information furnished by a candidate being found false or incorrect at any stage or not satisfying the eligibility conditions according to the requirements mentioned in this advertisement, her/his candidature/appointment is liable to be cancelled/terminated. The applicants are also cautioned that they may be permanently debarred from the examinations conducted/to be
conducted by Lok Sabha Secretariat and/or their appointment may be cancelled, in case they fraudulently claim eligibility for a post or they fraudulently claim SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PH/ExServiceman status.

II. Candidates desirous of applying for more than one post should submit separate application for each post.

III. Applications which are illegible, not conforming to the instructions contained in this
advertisement or received after the last date will be summarily rejected.

IV. Candidates in Government service should submit their application(s) through proper channel only. No such application will be accepted 7 days after the last date specified for others. There should be separate forwarding letter for each application.

V. Applicants should affix two identical self-attested recent passport size photographs, one on the application form and the other on the attendance sheet.

VI. Canvassing in any manner would lead to summary rejection of application and candidature at any stage.

VII. All particulars (except Residential Address) furnished by the applicant will be treated as final and no change will be allowed therein later on. The applications of the candidates who do not specify their category at Sl. No.11 of the application, will be rejected.

VIII. For candidates staying abroad and for those residing in Andaman & Nicobar Islands/
Lakshadweep/Assam/Meghalaya/ArunachalPradesh/Mizoram/Manipur/Nagaland/Tripura/Sikkim/ Jammu & Kashmir/Lahaul and Spiti districts and Pangi Sub-division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, the last date for receipt of application by post only (not by Hand or by Courier) will be 7 days after the last date specified for others.

IX. Candidates should send their application in an envelope superscribing clearly the name of the post applied for on the cover of the envelope.

X. Applicants must fill up all the columns of application form properly. Applications complete in all respects should be sent to:-
NEW DELHI-110001.
Incomplete applications shall be summarily rejected.

The last date for receipt of applications is 13.01.2020.

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Editor’s Note: Lok Sabha Govt Bsc Chemistry Job Subscribe to Rasayanika for latest chemistry and Pharma job openings. Follow us on Facebook for the latest updates.


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