Chemistry Project Scientist Vacancy @ SCTIMST

Chemistry Project Scientist Vacancy

Chemistry Project Scientist Vacancy @ SCTIMST – Apply

Chemistry Project Scientist Vacancy. MSc Chemistry Post Available @ SCTIMST. Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for medical sciences & technology invites Postgraduate Msc Chemistry applications for the post of Scientist. MSc Chemistry jobs @ Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for medical sciences & technology. Scientist post @ Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for medical sciences & technology.

Project Title: “3D Printing of Skin Tissue Construct for Invitro Testing and Applications” – P.8137

Job Title: Project Scientist

Qualification (Essential): M.Sc. Degree in Chemistry/Polymer Sciences with 60%

(Desirable): M Phil

Experience in polymer systhesis and characterization,Experience in Biomaterial Research.

Job description: Preparation of different gel formulation and their

Monthly emoluments: Rs. 16,000/- + 20% HRA

Age limit as on 31.07.2019: 35 years

No. of vacancies: One

Duration: Initially for a period of one year or till the completion of the project depending on the performance of the candidate, project duration and progress of the project

How To Apply: Those who fulfil the above requirements may report for a written test/ interview as per the above schedule along with bio-data and original certificates to prove age, qualifications, experience etc. No TA/DA will be paid for attending

the interview. Candidates reporting after 9.00 am will NOT be considered for selection. Candidates already in service have to produce a No Objection Certificate from the present employer at the time of interview.

Date & Time of Interview : 22.08.2019 10.30 AM

Time of reporting: 9 am

Mode of Selection: Walk-In-Interview

Venue: Biomedical Technology Wing, Satelmond Palace, Poojappura, Thiruvananthapuram-695 012

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Editor’s Note: SCTIMST. Chemical Science job opening at Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for medical sciences & technology. PhD jobs at Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for medical sciences & technology. Subscribe to Rasayanika for latest chemistry and Pharma job opening. Follow us on Facebook for the latest updates.


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