Chemical Science Laboratory Assistant Job Opening @ NMU
Chemical Science Laboratory Assistant, Applications are invited on plain paper for the post of ‘Field/Laboratory Assistant’ on the MPCB sponsored project entitled ‘Establishment of Ambient air quality monitoring stations under SAMP at Jalgaon’ sanctioned to Prof. S. T. Ingle Co-ordinator Director, School of Environmental and Earth Sciences, Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon. Check out all the details on the same below:
Project Title: ‘Establishment of Ambient air quality monitoring stations under SAMP at Jalgaon’
Job Title:Â Field/Laboratory Assistant
Eligibility: Bsc Chemical Science
No.of posts: 01
Salary: 8000/- per month
How To Apply:
The appointment is purely on a temporary basis for the project duration only. Candidates
fulfilling minimum qualification are requested to appear for ‘Walk in Interview’ along with the application on plain paper with complete Biodata/C.V, original and attested copies of mark sheets/certificates etc.
Walk-in Details:Â 05/08/2019 on 11.00 a.m at School of Environmental and Earth Sciences, KBC NMU, Jalgaon.
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Editor’s Note: Chemistry Scientific Job , Assistant Job Opening @ NMU. Chemical Science job opening at NMU, Job opening at NMU, NMU Jobs 2019. Subscribe to Rasayanika for latest chemistry and Pharma job opening. Follow us on Facebook.