Project Scientist Position for PhD Candidates @ IIT Kanpur

MSc Chemistry Research Fellow Posts @ Jadavpur University

Applications invited for Project Scientist on project CESE/DBT/2016019: Development of transition metal doped carbon nanofibres-based biosensor for the detection of glucose, cholesterol and cretinnine in human blood.

One Post:  Project Scientist

Duration: Twelve months (December 2017 – November 2018)

Essentials: PhD or equivalent degree

Age limit: The upper age limit shall be 32 years. The upper age limit is relaxable up to five years in case of SC/ST/OBC/physically handicapped and female candidate.

Desirable: Preference will be given to the candidates having PhD degrees in the area of nano-eco-interactions, with at least four publications in SCI journal as first author or corresponding author. The candidate should be familiar with the nanomaterials characterization techniques. The candidates having aggregate impact factor >15 of his first author publications are highly preferable.

Salary Range:  22000-2200-44000 per month as per DBT norms.

The interested candidates must submit the application with CV in duplicates to the undersigned before September 30, 2017.

Dr. Nishith Verma
Professor, Chemical Engineering
Department of Chemical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Kanpur – 208016 (India)
(91) (512) 2596124/7704 (Phone)
(91) (512) 2590104 (Fax)
9839 195854 (personal mobile)
[email protected] (email)

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