Applications are invited from the citizen of India for filling up the following temporary position in the sponsored project at this Institute. The position is purely temporary for a period of 06 months, on contractual basis with consolidated pay. The requisite qualification, experience and others details are given below:
Job Title – Junior Research Fellow
No.of.Posts – ONE
Project Number – S/SERB/ADN/20140014
Project Title – Dual Scale Simulations of Surfactant, Co-Surfactant, Water Systems.
Principal Investigator – Ananya Debnath
Duration of Project – 03 years
Consolidated Pay – Rs. 16,000/- per month
Qualifications –
- Essential – B.S.-M.S. / B.Tech/M. Sc./M.Tech in chemistry/Material Science/Biochemistry
- Desirable – Knowledge in MD simulations using Gromacs /Mercury /Gaussian is Preferable
How to Apply:
The candidates possessing the requisite qualification and experience should apply through ONLINE process up to 16 November 2016. After the submission of the online application, applicant are required to take the printout of the application and send the application along with all self-attested relevant supporting documents by post to the Institute at the address given below:
- Officer In-charge
- Office of Research & Development,
- IIT Jodhpur,
- Room No. 3011, Administrative Block,
- Old Residency Road, Ratanada,
- Jodhpur – 342011, Rajasthan
The envelope should be super scribed with “Advertisement No……………. and Application
for the Post of ……………..”The application must reach the Institute on or before to 20 November 2016. Application received after the due date shall not be considered.
No TA/DA shall be paid to the candidates for attending the interview.
Application Deadline – 16th November 2016