Postdoctoral Scientist Position (Chemistry) Available @ IIT Indore



dian Institute of Technology, Indore, located in Madhya Pradesh, is an institute of national importance established by the Government of India in 2009

Job Title – Postdoctoral Scientist

No.of.Posts – ONE

Project Title – “Visible-Light Mediated Direct Functionalization of Heteroaromatic Compounds through C-H Activation”

Brief Description of Project

The objectives that we intend to pursue will focus on the development of new modes of visible light-mediated photocatalytic (either metal or metal-free) reactive system which will be applicable for the synthesis of a wide range of functionalized heterocycles from easily available raw materials. Moreover, applied to drug synthesis, the power of photocatalysis lies in its ability to provide unique synthetic disconnections, offering more efficient routes or access to alternative substrates in a practical manner. Finally, synthesized compounds will be thoroughly screened for their biological activities to discover molecules with useful anti-cancer properties.

Duration – The appointment is for one year.


Postdoctoral Fellow will be paid consolidated salary based on the following salary structure of the DST for Research Associate.

Category                             Emoluments per month

Research Associate-I       Rs. 36,000/-

Research Associate-II     Rs. 38,000/-

Research Associate-III    Rs. 40,000/-

The category will decided/recommended by the selection committee based on the qualification/Experience/Performance in the interview of the candidate.

Service Conditions:

(i) DA: Postdoctoral Fellow will not be entitled to DA.

(ii) House Rent Allowance (HRA): All Postdoctoral Fellow may be provided accommodation based on availability and those residing in accommodation provided by the institute will not be eligible for drawing HRA. Wherever provision of hostel accommodation is not possible, HRA may be allowed to Postdoctoral Fellow as per Government norms applicable in the city/location where they are working. The fellowship amount may be taken as basic for calculating the HRA.

(iii) Medical Benefits: The Postdoctoral Fellow will be entitled for medical allowance as per institute policy.

(iv) The travel entitlement for Postdoctoral Fellow for participation in scientific events/workshops in India will continue to be as per institute norms.


Ph.D. in Synthetic Organic and Medicinal Chemistry. Please note that you should have defended your Ph.D. dissertation.

How to Apply:

Interested candidates are requested to submit a detailed CV to Dr. Sampak Samanta, via email: [email protected] or [email protected]

Only shortlisted candidates will intimated by email for an interview.

No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in the interview.

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