JRF & Project Assistant Openings @ IITM in MoEFCC Sponsored Project


The Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), Pune, an autonomous research organization under ESSO/MoES, fully devoted to cutting edge research in various aspects of weather and climate science. The activities include training of post graduates and motivate them to take up research careers in atmospheric and oceanic sciences required to improve skill of weather and climate forecasts.

Position I 

Job Title – Junior Research Fellow

No.of.Posts – ONE

Project Title – “National Carbonaceous Aerosol Programme (NCAP)”

Tenure – Initially for 2 year as JRF and based on performance upgraded to SRF for next 3 years.

Age Limit – 28 years as on 01.11.2016

Salary – Rs. 25,000/- plus HRA per month


  • Essential – M.Sc. in Chemistry/ Physics/ Atmospheric Sciences/ Meteorology from a recognized University/ Institution with NET/ GATE/JAM/JEST passed. M.Tech. (Atmospheric Sciences) or equivalent subjects without NET/ GATE/JAM/JEST are also eligible to apply.
  • Desirable – Good knowledge in the field of Atmospheric chemistry, air Pollution, computer usage and software packages. Special preference to those who have experience in air pollution measurements and analytical instruments and chemical characterization of aerosols. Willingness to participate in the field campaigns is also desirable.


Position II 

Job Title – Project Assistant

No.of.Posts – ONE

Project Title – “National Carbonaceous Aerosol

Programme (NCAP)”

Tenure – Initially for 1 year later extendable depending on performance on yearly basis up to 3 years.

Age Limit – 28 years as on 01.11.2016

Salary – Rs. 21,000/- plus HRA per month


  • Essential – M.Sc. in Environmental Sciences / Chemistry/ Atmospheric Sciences /Physics
  • Desirable – Good knowledge in the field of Atmospheric chemistry, air Pollution, computer usage and software packages. Special preference to those who have experience in air pollution measurements and analytical instruments and chemical characterization of aerosols. Willingness to participate in the field campaigns is also desirable.

How to Apply:

Shortlisted candidates called for interview will be entitled for reimbursement of to and fro travelling allowance by the shortest route from the place where interview call letter has been sent. The reimbursement would be restricted to train fare of sleeper class or the actual whichever is less.

Aspiring candidates may submit their applications along with their CV online: http://www.tropmet.res.in/Careers by 30th Nov. 2016. Hard copy of the application will not be accepted.

Application Deadline – 30th November 2016

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