The institute
, apart from establishing a robust teaching environment, is keen to facilitate and support cutting-edge research in variety of areas. This aspect, we believe, will enable the students to acquaint themselves with latest developments in their respective areas of study and peruse their own research interests. This would also result in a constant revision of courses that are being taught.Job Title – Junior Research Fellow
No.of.Posts – ONE
Project Title – “Design, synthesis and development of chemosensor for explosive materials, ware-fare chemicals and organophosphates”
Principal Investigator – Dr. Narinder Singh
Emoluments – As per DRDO rules.
Qualifications –
1) M.Sc. or equivalent degree with 60% marks and must have qualified NET/ GATE.
2) M. Pharm/ M. Tech in Nanoscience & Nanotechnology with 60% marks.
How to Apply:
Application form is available on institute website or is available from PI via e-mail. Completely filled application form along with a summary of biodata may be sent to the undersigned by post or e-mail on or before 28th Nov. 2016. Please note that no TA/ DA will be given to the candidates called for interview.
Dr. Narinder Singh (PI)
Department of Chemistry
Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar
Nangal Road, Rupnagar- 140001, Punjab
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 01881242176
Dr. Prabhat K. Agnihotri
School of Mechanical, Materials & Energy Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar
Nangal Road, Rupnagar- 140001, Punjab
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 01881242257
Application Deadline – 28th November 2016