The Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (IACS) is a society registered under Act XXI of 1860 and the corresponding State Act viz. the West Bengal State Registration Act 1961, with its headquarters at 2A & 2B, Raja S. C. Mallick Road, Calcutta – 700 032. It has a Governing Council with a number of members elected or nominated and the Registrar as Non-Member Secretary. The Council has the functions, duties and power as envisaged in the Memorandum and Bye Laws and as per provisions of the relevant Act.
Post Title:Â Junior Research Fellow
Essential Qualifications: Candidates should be first class M.Sc. degree holder in Chemistry/Biotechnology and must qualify in NET/GATE examination.
Fellowship:Â Rs.12,000/- p.m. plus HRA and medical reimbursement for self as per rules of the Association.
How To Apply:
The applications may preferably be sent directly to Dr. R. Mukhopadhyay (web address:, the guide, by e-mail ([email protected]). The applications received within one month from the advertisement date will be considered for assessment.
Application format:
- Name of Candidate (with photograph):
- Date of birth:
- Permanent postal address with landline phone/mobile no.:
- Educational Qualifications (subjects, % of marks/grade and schools/college/university to be mentioned)
- Class X:
- Class XII:
- B.Sc.:
- M.Sc.:
Special subject interests, aptitudes and extra-curricular activities:
These information, though not essential, may be provided within the maximum of five lines.  ÂDeadline: 10 September, 2016