For a SERB Project entitled “Nano Calcium Phosphate and Polymer Linked Supramolecular Architectures for Bioimaging and potential therapeutic applications” (P-8072)
Project Assistant (Scientific)
Qualification (Essential): M.Sc Chemistry/Polymer Chemistry/Organic Chemistry/ Physical Chemistry/Analytical Chemistry/Biotechnology /Physics.
Experience (Desirable): 2 years experience in R & D synthesis lab and in handling analytical instruments.
Monthly emoluments: Rs. 12,000/- + 20% HRA
Age limit as on 31.03.2016: 35 years
No. of vacancies: one
Duration: 1 year or till the completion of the project whichever is earlier
Date & Time of Interview: 30.03.2016 at 10.30 am
Time of reporting :9 am
Mode of Selection: Walk-In-Interview
Venue: Biomedical Technology Wing, Satelmond Palace, Poojappura, Thiruvananthapuram-695 012
Those who fulfil the above requirements may report for a written test/ interview as per the above schedule along with bio-data and original certificates to prove age, qualifications, experience etc. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview. Candidates reporting after 9.15 am will NOT be considered for selection. Candidates already in service have to produce a No Objection Certificate from the present employer at the time of interview.
Note : Depending on the number of candidates, a written test of a qualifying nature will be conducted for initial screening and only qualified candidates will be called for interview
. Marks obtained in the written test, if conducted, will not be counted for final ranking.Sd/-