CSIR-Central Leather Research Institute, Chennai a National Laboratory under the aegis of Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) and one of the world’s premier Institute engaged in Research & Development in the area of Leather Science & Technology and associated with several International and National Program, desires to engage talented candidates as Junior Research Fellow in the project entitled “Sequential production of Bio-Dlesel, Bin-Ethanol, Bin-Hydrogen and Methane as a “Biorefinary” concept using Leather Solid waste and Effluent Treatment Sludges” sponsored by MoEF, GOI, New Delhi as per qualification, age, experience etc. detailed below.

Name of the post: Junior Research Fellow

No. of posts: 01

Essential Qualification: M.Tech/ M.E/ M.S (by Research) Environmental Junior Engg./ Chemical Engineering/ Energy studies with UG Research degree in Civil! Chemical! Mechanical or M.Sc., in  Fellow# Chemistry/ Environmental Sciences with JRF/ NET/ GATE qualifications as the case may be.

Desirable: Experience in Bio-fuels recovery from liquid and 01 Year solid wastes.

Stipend per Month: Rs .25000 + HRA per month

Upper Age limit: 28 years

Tenure: 1 year

*Although MoEF has sponsored the project for 03 years, the continuation of fellowship for 2 nd & 3 rd years will be subject to the performance of the candidate and release

of funds from MoEF. # The selected JRF candidates will be permitted to register for Ph. D in Anna University, Chennai as part of deliverable of the project and is expected to work onsite at Ranipet as and when required.

Candidates fulfilling the above mentioned qualification, age etc. and interested to apply for Junior Research Fellow need to attend the Walk-in-Interview scheduled on 21st March 2016 at B M Das Hall, CLRI at 09.30 AM along with application form (available in the website www.clrLorg) duly filled with Xerox copiesl photocopies of necessary certificates.

Terms and conditions:

I. Number of positions required are indicative in nature, there may be increasel decrease in the number based on requirement

2. Candidates found suitable for selection will be empaneled in addition to the positions required. Empaneled candidates may be selected for future project requirements

3. Relaxation in age: 5 years for SC/ST/Women/Person With Disability and 3 years for OBC

4. The date of determining the qualification, experience and age shall be the date of Walk-in-Interview

5. Final yearl Semester students those who are awaiting results are not eligible to be considered

6. Tenure mentioned above may be extendable. In any case it is co-terminus with the Project or till such time this requirement exists whichever is earlier

7. Original certificates must be produced for verification at the time of Walk- in-Interview

8. Candidates coming after 11.00 AM will normally not permitted for interview. No travelling allowance will be paid for attending Walk-in-Interview.]

(P Shyam Sundar)

Section Officer (EI)

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