Opportunity for B.Pharm/M.Pharm to join in R&D at Central Drug Research Institute – Government of India


Central Drug Research Institute is a premier R&D Institute under the aegis of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi which is an autonomous body under Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India. The institute is engaged in the development of new drugs and diagnostics in various therapeutic areas like malaria, tuberculosis, filarial, leishmania, cancer, thrombosis, hypertension, dementia, diabetes, lipid disorders, gastric ulcer, osteoporosis, prostatic hyperplasia, etc.

Walk – in – interview for engagement of Project Staff to be held on 29-03-2016 [For Position Code No. 001 to 004 (Life Sciences) and 30-03-2016 [For Position Code No. 005 to 013 (Chemistry & Pharma.)] as per the details given below:

Post: Project Fellow, Project Assistant, Project Junior Assistant, Project JRF.

Position Code: 006: Project Fellow 01(One)
Essential Qualification: M.Sc./B.Pharm. in Chemistry/ Pharmaceutical Chemistry with 55% marks for Gen. & OBC and 50% marks for SC/ST candidates, Physically and Visually handicapped candidates.
Desirable qualification, experience & Job Requirement: Research experience in Synthetic organic chemistry/ Medicinal chemistry
Emoluments: Rs.16,000/- (fixed)  p.m.
Age: 28 yrs
Code and Title of the project: CSIR (BSC0119) “Man as a superorganism: Understanding the Human Microbiome (HUM)”
Expected  Completion  of Project:

Position Code: 012: Project JRF 01(One)

Essential Qualification: M.Pharm. in Pharmaceutics/Pharmaceutical Biotechnology/ Pharmaceutical Technology. OR
M.S.Pharm. in Pharmaceutics/ Pharmaceutical Biotechnology / Pharmaceutical Technology.
Desirable qualification, experience & Job Requirement: Should have more than 60% marks in degree and postgraduate level with GATE/GPAT qualified.
Emoluments: Rs. 25000 plus HRA p.m. for first 2 years and Rs. 28000 plus HRA p.m. for 3rd year
Age: 28 yrs
Code and Title of the project: DBT (GAP0197) “Design, development and performance evaluation of hybrid systems comprising novel cationic lipids intended to deliver therapeutic siRNA to solid tumors.”
Expected  Completion  of Project:

Position Code: 013: Project Fellow 01(One)
Essential Qualification: B.Pharm. in Pharmaceutics/Pharmaceutical Biotechnology/ Pharmaceutical Technology with 55% marks for Gen. & OBC and 50% marks for SC/ST candidates, Physically and Visually handicapped candidate
Desirable qualification, experience & Job Requirement: Should have more than 60% marks in degree and postgraduate level with GATE/GPAT qualified.
Emoluments: Rs.16,000/- (fixed) p.m.
Age: 28 yrs
Code and Title of the project: CSIR (CSC0302) “Advance drug delivery system (ADD)”
Expected  Completion  of Project:

Position Code: 003: Project Assistant 01(One)
Essential Qualification: M.Sc. in Biotechnology/Life Sciences with 55% marks for Gen. & OBC and 50% marks for SC/ST candidates, Physically and Visually handicapped candidates
Desirable qualification, experience & Job Requirement: Research experience in cloning and protein purification will be preferred. Further, knowledge and research experience in parasite/pathogen biology.
Emoluments: Rs.16,000/- (fixed)  p.m.
Age: 28 yrs
Code and Title of the project: DBT (GAP0146) “Investigating the extra-ribosomal functions of ribosomal proteins during stress and infection”
Expected  Completion  of Project:

Position Code: 005: Project Assistant 02 (Two)
Essential Qualification: M.Sc./B.Pharm. in Chemistry/ Pharmaceutical Chemistry with 55% marks for Gen. & OBC and 50% marks for SC/ST candidates, Physically and Visually handicapped candidates.
Desirable qualification, experience & Job Requirement: Research experience in Synthetic organic chemistry/ Medicinal chemistry.
Emoluments: Rs.16,000/- (fixed)  p.m.
Age: 28 yrs
Code and Title of the project: MoES (GAP0195) “Ligand and structure based screening of designed and synthesized chemical library around psammaplin Aagaint DNA methyltransferase 1 (DNMT 1) and diversity oriented synthesis of Pachastrissamine as anticancer agents”
Expected  Completion  of Project:

Position Code: 004: Project Junior Assistant 01(One)
Essential Qualification: M.Sc. in Life Sciences with 55% marks for Gen. & OBC and 50% marks for SC/ST candidates, Physically and Visually handicapped candidates
Emoluments: Rs.14,000/- (fixed) p.m.
Age: 28 yrs
Code and Title of the project: MoES (GAP0118) “Biological evaluations, discovery of novel bioactive compounds & coordination of the MoES project” “Drugs from Sea.”
Expected  Completion  of Project:

Position Code: 007: Project Assistant 01(One)
Essential Qualification: M.Sc. in Chemistry/ Biochemistry with 55% marks for Gen. & OBC and 50% marks for SC/ST candidates, Physically and Visually handicapped candidates
Desirable qualification, experience & Job Requirement: Candidates with previous experience in the field of NMR and or recombinantprotein expression, purification. Duties and responsibilities include isotopically labeled protein expression, purification and preparing protein samples necessary for further structural studies.
Emoluments: Rs.16,000/- p.m. + HRA
Age: 28 yrs

Code and Title of the project: DST(GAP0183) “Development of sugar amino acid derived peptides self assembling selectively on bacterial membranes, forming ion pores and killing bacteria including MTB.”
Expected  Completion  of Project:

Position Code: 008: Project Fellow 01(One)
Essential Qualification: B.Pharm OR M.Sc. in Organic Chemistry/ Analytical Chemistry /Pharmaceutical Chemistry with 55% marks for Gen. & OBC and 50% marks for SC/ST candidates, Physically and Visually handicapped candidates
Desirable qualification, experience & Job Requirement: Some research experience
Emoluments: Rs.16,000/- (fixed)  p.m.
Age: 28 yrs
Code and Title of the project: CSIR (PSC0111) “Measurement Innovation in Science & Technology (MIST)”.
Expected  Completion  of Project:

Position Code: 009: Project Fellow 01(One)
Essential Qualification: M.Sc. in Chemistry with 55% marks for Gen. & OBC and 50% marks for SC/ST candidates, Physically and Visually handicapped candidates
Desirable qualification, experience & Job Requirement: Experience in synthesis of organic compounds, the candidates who have submitted their PhD thesis would be preferred as we need experienced person for synthesis of quality compounds for PK and PD studies.
Emoluments: Rs.16,000/- (fixed)  p.m.
Age: 28 yrs

Code and Title of the project: CSIR (BSC0104) “Emerging and re-emerging challenges in infectious disease: Systems based drug design for infectious diseases” (SPLenDID).
Expected  Completion  of Project:

Position Code: 010: Project JRF 01(One)
Essential Qualification: M.Sc. in Chemistry/Analytical Chemistry/ Medicinal Chemistry/ Pharmaceutical Chemistry with 55% marks for Gen. & OBC and 50% marks for SC/ST candidates, Physically and Visually handicapped candidates
M.Sc. in Chemistry/Analytical Chemistry/ Medicinal Chemistry/ Pharmaceutical Chemistry with 55% marks for Gen. & OBC and 50% marks for SC/ST candidates, Physically and Visually handicapped candidates with NET qualified
Emoluments: JRF emoluments shall be Rs. 25,000 + HRA p.m., for the 1st two years and Rs. 28,000+ HRA p.m., for the 3rd year, only if JRF is NET/ qualified, Otherwise it shall be Rs. 12,000+ HRA
Age: 28 yrs
Code and Title of the project: DBT (GAP0180) “Tissue specific transcripts and cardical glycoside profiling of calotropis plant after different biotic and abiotic elicitor.
Expected  Completion  of Project:

Position Code: 011: Project JRF 01(One)
Essential Qualification: M.Sc. in Chemistry/ Pharmaceutical Chemistry with 55% marks for Gen. & OBC and 50% marks for SC/ST candidates, Physically and Visually handicapped candidates with NET qualified.
Desirable qualification, experience & Job Requirement: Prior lab experience
Emoluments: 1st, 2nd year Rs. 16,000/ & 3rd year 18,000 + 20% HRA
Age: 28 yrs

Code and Title of the project: ICMR (GAP0161) “Studying mechanism of pro-fertility activity of mucuma pruriens Withania somnifera and Asparagus racemosus in spermatogenically compromised rat model and identification of active phyto-constituents.”
Expected  Completion  of Project:

Position Code: 001: Project Fellow 01 (One)
Essential Qualification: M.Sc. in Botany/ Life Sciences /Biotechnology with 55% marks for Gen. & OBC and 50% marks for SC/ST candidates, Physically and Visually handicapped candidates
Desirable qualification, experience & Job Requirement: Research experience in plant identification and taxonomy, plant Molecular biology techniques.
Emoluments: Rs.16,000/- (fixed)  p.m.
Age: 28 yrs
Code and Title of the project: CCSIR (BSC0106) “Bioprosperction of plant resources  and other natural products” (BioprosPR)
Expected  Completion  of Project:

Position Code: 002: Project Fellow 02 (Two)
Essential Qualification: M.Sc./B.Tech. in Biotechnology/Biochemistry with 55% marks for Gen. & OBC and 50% marks for SC/ST candidates, Physically and Visually handicapped candidates
Desirable qualification, experience & Job Requirement: Prior research experience.
Emoluments: Rs.16,000/- (fixed)  p.m.
Age: 28 yrs
Code and Title of the project: CSIR (BSC0101) “Factors Governing Competent Gamete Production and Reproductive Dysfunction (PROGRAM)”
Expected  Completion  of Project:

Candidates who have submitted online applications are requested to report for the Interview at 9:00 A.M. sharp on 29-03-2016 (For Position Code No. 001 to 004 (Life Sciences) and 30-03-2016 (For Position Code No. 005 to 013 (Chemistry & Pharma.).Candidates reporting after 10:00 A.M will not be allowed to attend the interview. Eligible candidates may appear before the Selection Committee for interview on the date and time mentioned above at CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute, Sector 10, Jankipuram Extension, Sitapur Road, Lucknow-226031. Eligible candidates must bring with them print out of online signed application form along with Original certificates as well as self-attested copies of certificates of examinations starting from matriculation & date of birth certificate, caste certificate (in case of SC/ST/OBC) experience certificate, publication, if any and recent passport size photograph etc. Original documents are essential for verification of the particulars quoted by the candidate in the application form and candidate failed to produce original documents at the time of verification, shall not be allowed to attend the interview. Any request for relaxation in this regard shall not be entertained.

General Conditions
1. Age relaxation will be upto 5 years for SC/ST/OBC/PH/Women candidates.
2. The date for determination of age, qualification and experience shall be the date of interview.
3. Candidates, who fulfill the eligibility criteria and possess the required qualification as mentioned above, should turn up for walk-in-interview well in time to avoid inconvenience.
4. The above mentioned positions are purely temporary and co-terminus with the termination/completion of the projects.
5. The engagement shall be initially for a period of one year, extendable on yearly basis based on the performance of the candidate, till the termination/completion of the project or completion of 5 years tenure whichever is earlier. Candidates engaged in the above mentioned projects shall not confer any right implicit or explicit for consideration for regularization against any CSIR/CDRI post(s).
6. The number of positions advertised against the projects can vary at the time of actual selection depending upon the requirement of the Projects.
7. Candidates selected for engagement in the projects, shall not be allowed for registration under CSIR-CDRI Ph.D program in this institute. However, on completion of two years period in project and successfully obtaining SRFship, they can register under AcSIR and in this case, the Project Staff shall resign from the project before joining as CSIR SRFship.

* No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates for attending the interview.

Note: Candidates who fulfill the requisite qualification, age and experience shall be allowed to appear before the Selection Committee for interview. Written test in the relevant subject area, depending upon the number of candidates, can be held, if required, for short listing the candidates before attending the interview on the same day. Interview may be continued for the subsequent days, therefore, candidates coming from outside may make their own arrangements accordingly.

Last date of submission of online application: 23/03/2016 upto 5:30 p.m.

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