Vacancies for Pharmacists (11 Openings) at AIIMS – Govt Job


Applications invited in prescribed pro-forma from eligible Officers of Central/State Government/U.T/Autonomous Bodies/Universities/Public Sector Undertaking/ R&D Organization/Police Departments of Central/State/U.T/Armed Forces including Para Military Forces  for filling up the following Group A, B & C Posts on Deputation Basis at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhubaneswar. The essential qualification, experience etc. required for applying for these posts are as under:-

Post: Chief Pharmacist Group -B

No.of Post: 1

Pay Band & Grade PayL: 9300-34800 with GP of Rs.4600/

Educational Qualifications :
Officers under the Central/State/U.T. Governments/Universities/Statutory, Autonomous Bodies or Research and Development Organizations  i. Holding analogous posts on

regular basis Or ii. With 5 years regular service in the grade of Pharmacist Grade II in the Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/-

Post: Sr. Pharmacist/Pharmacist Grade I Group -B

No.of Post: 10

Pay Band & Grade Pay: 9300-34800 with GP of Rs.4600/

Educational Qualifications :
Officers under the Central/State/U.T. Governments/Universities/Statutory, Autonomous Bodies or Research and Development Organizations  i. Holding analogous posts on regular basis or ii. With 6 years regular service in the grade of Pharmacist Grade II in Grade Pay of Rs. 2800/-

i) Maximum age limit for applying for the aforesaid posts on deputation is 56 years as on last date of receipt of applications.

ii) The period of deputation shall be initially for 3 years and the same will be regulated as per DoPT guidelines.

iii) For detail eligibility qualification, experiences and other condition, please visit our website: to check the detail advertisement.

iv) The Officers/ Officials who fulfill the specified eligibility conditions may submit their application in the prescribed proforma at Annexure -I through proper channel to:

v) The last date for receipt of completed application on the prescribed proforma along with required documents through proper channel is 30 days after publication of this advertisement in the Employment News.

  • The number of posts in tentative and is liable to change based on the Institute’s requirement.
  • Maximum age limit for applying for the aforesaid posts on deputation is 56 years as on last date of receipt of application.
  • The period of deputation will be for a period of three years and the same will be regulated as per DoPT guidelines. The officers who fulfill the above qualifications/eligibility criteria may submit their application in the prescribed proforma at Annexure-I through proper channel to the Administrative Officer, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Post- Dumduma, Sijua, Patrapada, Bhubaneswar so as to reach latest by 30 days after publication of this advertisement in Employment News.
  • The envelope containing the application(s) should be superscripted “Application for the Post of on Deputation Basis”. While forwarding their applications, it may be ensured that the particulars of the candidates are verified and that they fulfil the eligibility conditions. Duly attested photocopies of their up to date Confidential Reports (at least for the latest 05 years) may also be enclosed with the applications. It may also be clearly stated that no vigilance/disciplinary proceedings is pending or contemplated against the candidates concerned. Applications without Vigilance Clearance and attested copies of CR Dossiers will not be considered.

    The deputation will be governed by the standard terms and conditions of deputation provided under Department of Personnel and Training O.M. No.6/8/2009-Estt. (Pay-II) dated 17.6.2010, as amended from time to time.

    The Administrative Officer All India
    Institute of Medical Sciences At – Sijua,
    Po – Dumuduma, Patrapara Bhubaneswar -75101

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