CSIR-IMTECH Non-NET Project Vacancy – Pharmaceutical Sciences Apply Online
Sector 39‐A, Chandigarh‐ 160036
ROLLING ADVT. NO. 2025‐01‐04
Project titled: “MitoInfect: An integrative Approach to Dissect Mitochondria associated Host‐Pathogen Interactions”
Project Code: GAP‐0224
Position: Project Associate‐I (PAT‐I) = 01
Essential Qualification:
Masters/Integrated Masters in Natural or Agricultural or Pharmaceutical Sciences/ MVSc/ Animal Sciences OR Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or Technology or Medicine from a recognized University.
Any equivalent qualifications duly recognized by the concerned authority as per the functional requirement of the Project to be recorded in writing by PI and Director.
Experience in NGS data analysis, evolutionary biology, molecular evolution, evolutionary genetics and genomics is highly desirable. Demonstrable experience in Python/C/PERL/R and MySQL is also highly desirable.
Upper Age Limit (years): 35. Relaxation in the age limit for the candidates belonging to the category of SC/ST/PwBD/Women and the category of OBC shall be 05 years and 03 years respectively.
Monthly Emoluments:
(i) Rs.31,000/‐ + HRA for those candidates who have qualified CSIR‐UGC/ICAR/ICMR NET incl. lectureship/assistant professorship or GATE.
Those who have qualified National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments like DBT/DST or equivalent and/or their Agencies/Institutions.
(ii) Rs.25,000/‐ + HRA for others who
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