"Unveiling Exciting Chemistry Job Opportunity at University of Calcutta!"
"Unveiling Exciting Chemistry Job Opportunity at University of Calcutta!"

Chemistry Job at Calcutta University – Apply Now



Applications are invited from Indian citizens for the purely temporary and contract basis position of one Research Personnel (Junior Research Fellow/Project Associate-II/Project Associate-I) in a DST-SERB Core Research Grant Project.

Principal Investigator Prof. Sasanka Sekhar Mohanta
Department of Chemistry, University of Calcutta,
92 A. P. C. Road, Kolkata 700 009
E-mail: [email protected]
Mobile and whatsapp no.: 9330962779

Project Title Experimental and Theoretical Exploration of Molecule Based Magnetic Materials, Magneto-Structural Correlations and Chemosensors

DST-SERBCRG File No. CRG/2023/008690

Eligibility Criteria

For Junior Research Fellow (JRF):

(i) M. Sc. in Chemistry (Inorganic Chemistry Specialization or project work in syntheses and studies of metal complexes) from a UGC-recognized university or a government-approved institute.

(ii) At least 55% (or equivalent) marks in M. Sc.

(iii) NET (CSIR, UGC, Lectureship)/GATE qualification within the period of validity of joining as a JRF.

(iv) Age: Maximum 28 years on the last date of application.

For Project Associate-II (PA-II):

(i) M. Sc. in Chemistry (Inorganic Chemistry Specialization or project work in syntheses and studies of metal complexes) from a UGC-recognized university or a government-approved institute.


) At least 55% (or equivalent) marks in M. Sc.

(iii) 2 years’ experience in Research and Development in Industrial or Academic Institutions or Science and Technology Organizations and Scientific activities and services.

(iv) Age: Maximum 35 years on the last date of application.

For Project Associate-I (PA-I):

(i) M. Sc. in Chemistry (Inorganic Chemistry Specialization or project work in syntheses and studies of metal complexes) from a UGC-recognized university or a government-approved institute.

(ii) At least 55% (or equivalent) marks in M. Sc.

(iii) Age: Maximum 35 years on the last date of application. [Relaxation in age and marks: as per DST and government rules]

Tenure of the Position and Continuity within the Tenure

For JRF: Initially for one year. It may be extended as JRF for one more year and then as SRF for at least 07 months and at most 12 months but the extension after the initial one year will be dependent on both the research performance of the selected JRF and the availability/disbursement of grant from DST. Continuity at any point of time within the tenure will be dependent on the research performance of the selected fellow.

For PA-II/PA-I: Initially for one year. It may be extended for one more year and then for at least 07 months and at most 12 months but the extension after the initial one year will be dependent on both the research performance of the selected PA-II/PA-I and the availability/disbursement of grant from DST. Continuity at any point of time within the tenure will be dependent on the research performance of the selected Associate.

Fellowship per Month

As JRF: Rs. 31,000 + 24% HRA.
As SRF: Rs. 35,000 + 24% HRA.
As PA-I: Rs. 25,000 + 24% HRA.
As PA-II: Rs. 28,000 + 24% HRA.
(Enhanced amount may be provided if DST approves and disburses in future).

How to Apply

Interested candidates will have to apply to the PI via e-mail by sending the scanned copies of the filled-in application form in the prescribed format and self-attested relevant documents. Application may also be done by submitting hardcopies to the PI. Incomplete applications will be rejected.

Last date of application: 15th day taking the date of uploading this advertisement notice as the 1st day. The candidate may meet the PI before application to know about the research work in the project.

Two sets of hardcopies of the application form and self-attested documents as well as all the relevant original documents are required during interview.

Date, Time and Venue of Interview; TA/DA:

  • Will be communicated to the shortlisted candidates.
  • No TA/DA will be paid to attend the interview.

Download the application format here

Keywords: Research Personnel, Chemistry Department, University of Calcutta, DST-SERB, Job Posting. Chemistry Job at Calcutta University – Apply Now. Subscribe to Rasayanika for the latest chemistry and Pharma job openings, follow us on Facebook and Telegram and subscribe to our youtube channel for the latest updates on chemistry and Pharma jobs and much more.


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