DRDO RAC High Salary Job – Chemistry Scientist Post
DRDO-RAC job opening 2023, DRDO job opening 2023, RAC invites online applications for project scientist post. Chemical engineering job opening 2023, Chemical engineering job, DRDO job opening 2023, Check out all the details on the same below:
Job Title: Project Scientist C
Consolidated Pay per Month – Rs 1,08,073/-
No.of posts: 03
Subject: Chemical engineering
Eligbility Criteria:
(i) At least First Class Bachelor’s Degree in chemical engineering or Technology from a recognized university or equivalent
Min 3 Years’ experience in experimental research, design &development of process plant/operation & maintenance of process plant / Modelling and Process
(i) Master’s degree in Engineering or Technology in the relevant field as mentioned in the essential qualification
(ii) Experience in
Simulation of Chemical Plants/ safety of chemical process plantEssential:
i. Chemical Technology
ii. Chemical Plant Engg
iii. Applied Chemical & Polymer Technology
iv. Polymer Science & Chemical Technology
v. Chemical Science & Technology
vi. Any other relevant discipline with a qualifying degree which mentions chemicals
Subject: Physical Chemistry
No.of posts: 01
(i) At least FirstClass Master’s Degree in Physical Chemistry from a recognized university or equivalent
(ii) Min 3 Years’ experience in Research / Synthesis of electro catalyst materials / electrochemical system
(i) Doctorate Degree in Physical Chemistry
(ii) Research and synthesis of electro catalyst material for energy
How To Apply
a. Candidates are required to first register online at the RAC website (https://rac.gov.in). Detailed guidelines will be available on candidates login at RAC website
b. On successful registration, the candidates may login before the closing date of the advertisement to fill the application form online. The candidates are required to upload
all requisite certificates/related documents and make payment of requisite fee. After previewing the application along with uploaded certificates/documents, the
application needs to be locked for submission. Only locked/finalised applications in all respects shall be considered.
c. If any document is in any language other than English/Hindi, then its English/Hindi transcript should also be attached failing which the said document will be rejected.
d. Candidates are also advised to retain a printout /copy of the online recruitment application (pdf format) after submission.
e. Candidates desirous of applying for more than one post must apply separately for each post. In such case, please mention the item no. (nos.) of all other posts where you
have applied/intend to apply.
f. The applicants are advised to fill in all their particulars carefully in the online recruitment application and verify it carefully before locking. No correction in the
data/application will be allowed and no document will be accepted once finally submitted.
g. All serving candidates (whether in permanent or temporary capacity) working in Government or in Government owned organizations (PSU/Joint venture, Government
promoted societies and Government / Non-Government companies / Agencies / Entities where Government or Government promoted companies/ Agencies/Entities have
a combined controlling stake of 50% or more) need to upload a signed declaration as per format given on the web site that they have informed in writing to their Cadre
Controlling Authority (CCA) that they have applied for the post in RAC, DRDO and in case of any objection, the employer may communicate with RAC (at email:
[email protected]) directly within 15 days of the closing date of online registration.Candidates shall ensure that the intimation will be made to the employer
in the prescribed format only mentioning the clause for ‘objection’ else the intimation in any other format will not be considered. Candidates should note that in case
a communication from the employer is received by RAC withholding the permission to the candidate applying for the post, their candidature will be liable for
cancellation. The candidates will be required to produce a copy of proof of their communication with their employer i.e.THE INTIMATION TO THE EMPLOYER AND THE
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT RECEIVED FROM EMPLOYER regarding their application for the desired post at the time of interview (if called for).
h. Weightage of higher qualifications to be equated as experience only when the higher qualification is in the relevant discipline. Candidates are therefore, advised to
highlight the experience acquired (either through Higher Qualification or Job Experience) matching to requirements mentioned under Essential and/or Desirable
Qualification while filling the Justification column under ‘Other’ Section in the online Application form.
Documents To Be Uploaded Online While Filling Application Form
The maximum file size of each document/certificate to be uploaded should not exceed 500 KB and it must be legible when a printout is taken. For that, the applicant may scan
the certificate into 200 dpi grey scale.
a. Date of Birth (DOB) proof: Self attested Matriculation certificate/High School certificate/Birth Certificate issued by appropriate Local Authority etc. Ensure that DOB proof
mentions birth date.
b. A recent passport size colour photograph (size not exceeding 30 KB; resolution of 110 x 140 pixels).
c. Scanned sample of candidate’s signature.
d. Self-attested certificates/testimonials regarding Essential and Higher qualification along with mark-sheets, caste, ex-servicemen, Disability certificate (wherever applicable),
employment and experience etc.
e. The candidates, whether in Govt Service or in Govt owned organisations, should upload a signed declaration (as per the proforma available at RAC website) that they have
informed their Cadre Controlling Authority (CCA) in writing regarding their application for the post of Scientist in DRDO.
f. In case of mismatch in candidate name and/or parent(s) name(s) of the candidate as mentioned in the application form with any of the documents/certificates being
uploaded, the relevant affidavit in support shall essentially be uploaded.
g. If any document/certificate furnished is in a language other than English or Hindi, a duly self-attested transcript of the same should be attached.
h. Candidates should attach all experience certificates and salary slips as proof of pay drawn for the experience claimed. The period of experience (date of joining/date of
leaving/current job status) claimed should be easily verifiable from the salary slips/experience certificates/documents attached. (Please refer Para 9 for detailed
experience requirement)
i. Upload requisite caste/ disability certificate, in case you belong to SC/ST/OBC (NCL)/Divyang category.
j. Upload Release certificate in case you are a retired Armed Forces personnel. In case Age relaxation is being sought then the candidate must ensure that the age relaxation
under Ex-serviceman category has not been claimed previously and relevant proof is required to be uploaded for the same.
Last Date To Apply: 15.6.2023
Application Form
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