BITS Pilani JRF Vacancy – MSc Chemistry Candidates Apply
Applications are invited from interested and motivated candidates for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF)/ Project Associate-1 in a time-bound research project for a project as per the following details:
Job Title: Junior Research Fellow (JRF)/Project Associate-1
Number of Vacancies: 01
Project Title: Self-assembly to Photonic Crystals using DNA-Coated Anisotropic Colloids
Principal Investigator: Dr. Pritam Kumar Jana, Department of Chemistry
Project Tenure: 2 Years
Job Description: We will develop design rules to achieve a specific structure using DNAfunctionalized anisotropic colloids as a building block. We will also explore the
photonic properties of the obtained structures. As it is a computational-based
project, JRF will design the model of DNA-coated colloids and perform
numerical simulations. He/she will also write research papers in indexed journals,
conferences, and patents.
Eligbility Criteria: Master’s degree (or equivalent) in chemistry, physics, applied mathematics, engineering, computational science/informatics from reputable universities, or a related field with outstanding performance record. Candidates with experience in
molecular simulations, high-performance computing or any related field will be favoured.
Desirable: GATE/NET qualified.
Upper Age Limit Age not exceeding 35 years as on the date of interview
. Age relaxation is allowed up to 5 year for SC/ST/PH/OBC/WOMEN candidates.Fellowship: 31,000/- per month for NET/GATE qualified candidates.
25,000per month for non-NET/GATE qualified candidates.
Registration for PhD.: Selected candidates will be given the opportunity for a full time PhD program at BITS, Pilani as per the institute norms.
How to Apply:
Applications along with updated CV should be sent through mail to [email protected] Shortlisted candidates will be informed for the interview. Mere possession of minimum qualification does not guarantee an invitation to the interview. Candidates will be shortlisted based on their merit and as per the requirement of the project. Please note that only qualified and suitable candidates will be called for an interview.
Application Deadline: 15th November 2022
Contact Email: [email protected]
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