IIT Roorkee Postdoc Fellowship Vacancy 2021 – Applications Invited
The Department of Chemistry at the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee invites applications from outstanding and enthusiastic researchers for postdoctoral positions under the mentorship of Dr. Venkatesh V focused on “Chemical Proteomic Approach to Identify Small Molecule Covalent Inhibitors to Target Protein-Protein Interactions in BCI-2 Proteins”
The prospective candidate should have strong background knowledge in Cancer Research. The ideal candidate should have expertise in Inanunalian cell culture and cell biology
Job Title: Postdoc fellowship
Minimum Qualification and Experience: Ph.D. in Chemistry (Chemical Biology). Candidates who have recently submitted their thesis are also eligible to apply sut2ject to the condition that they furnish the proof of the ms ard of Ph.D. degree at the time of the interview at IIT Roorkee.
Desired Qualifications:
The prospective candidate should have commendable knowledge of cancer biology. The candidate should have hands-on experience in protein extraction. purification. recombinant protein production, gel electrophoresis. flow cytometry and cell imaging
Duration and Fellowship amount:
The duration of the be of two years extendable to one Ignore year if necessary The candidate is expected to join the Department as soon as ofTer letter has been released. The fellow will receive
a consolidated fellowship as be in addition to the contingency grant of 50,000/-per annum.How to Apply:
Candidates can apply with a cover letter. curriculum vitae, list of publications with the most significant publications highlighted). research statement describing past research and plans for future research the context of the title of a project by e-mail, to:
The Head of
Department of Chemistry
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
The last date for the submission of the application is 6th November 2021.
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