Panjab University Chemistry Assistant Recruitment - Applications Invited

Panjab University Chemistry Assistant Recruitment – Applications Invited

Applications are invited for two positions of Project Assistant at BioNEST, Panjab University,
Chandigarh. The post is purely temporary and co-terminus with the project. There will be no financial liability on the part of the university, after the termination of the project. The incumbent shall have no claim whatsoever for the regularization of his/her services.

No.of posts: 2

Project: Purification of protein from bacteria

Job Title: Project Assistant

Eligibility: M.Sc./M.Tech in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering or M.Sc./M.Tech in any subject of Life Sciences or any other related area etc.)

Emoluments: INR 25,000/- month till the tenure of the Project

Desirable Qualifications: Preference shall be given to candidates with experience on Bioreactors and Protein purification.

• The candidates shortlisted for the interview will be informed through e.mail or telephone or uploaded on the website of BN-PU. For more details please check the website:
• No TA/DA will be paid if called for an interview.

How To Apply:

Applications should reach on or before 5 th January 2021 by E-mail: to [email protected]
and the signed hard copy of the same be sent by post to the undersigned.

Dr. Rohit Sharma
Project Leader
BioNEST-Panjab University

New Hospital building, Sector- 25,
Panjab University (South campus),

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