CSIR Chemical Science

CSIR Chemical Science Test Series Online – CHEMNET 2020

CSIR NET 2019 Exam in Chemical Science is scheduled to be conducted this year on 21st June 2020. The Exam will be conducted by NTA and it will be online. Total Marks for the exam will be 200 and the time duration for the exam will be 3 hrs. Many students look for test series & test papers for CSIR NET Chemical science in order to practice, at the last moment when the exams are nearing. But that’s the wrong way, it will just leave you more tense and annoyed. The secret mantra to success in the CSIR NET Chemical science exam is to get started now. Rasayanika in collaboration with Biotecnika brings to you a complete package of CSIR NET Chemical Science Online test series – CHEMNET 2019 specially designed with CSIR NET Chemical science exam point of you – to you a real-time exam like feeling.

How does CHEMNET – CSIR NET Chemical Science Test Series Work?

It will be an online test series that will be available every Sunday as per the schedule is given below. It is specially designed with negative markings to give you an exam

like feel. The CHEMNET Test series has been divided into unit wise Test Series, so that you master all the important topics & questions from all the units of CSIR NET Chemical Science Syllabus.


CHEMNET – CSIR NET Chemical Science Test Series Schedule:

S.No. Scheduled date Syllabus
CHEMNET 0 1st March 2020 Complete Syllabus
CHEMNET 1 8th March 2020 1.Chemical periodicity,

2. Basic principles of quantum mechanics,

3.IUPAC nomenclature

CHEMNET 2 15th March 2020 1.Structure and bonding

2.Quantum mechanics

3.Principles of stereochemistry

CHEMNET 3 22nd March 2020 1.Concepts of acids and bases

2.Atomic structure and spectroscopy


CHEMNET 4 29th March 2020 1. Main group elements

2. Chemical bonding

3. Organic reactive intermediates

CHEMNET 5 5th April 2020 1. Transition elements and coordination compounds

2. Chemical applications of group theory

3. Organic reaction mechanisms

CHEMNET 6 12th April 2020 1. Inner transition elements

2. Molecular spectroscopy

3. Common named reactions and rearrangements

CHEMNET 7 19th April 2020 1. Organometallic compounds

2. Chemical thermodynamics

3. Organic transformations and reagents

CHEMNET 8 26th April 2020 1. Cages and metal clusters

2. Statistical thermodynamics

3. Concepts in organic synthesis

CHEMNET 9 3rd May 2020 1. Analytical chemistry

2. Electrochemistry

3. Asymmetric synthesis

CHEMNET 10 10th May 2020 1. Bioinorganic chemistry

2. Chemical kinetics

3. Pericyclic reactions

CHEMNET 11 17th May 2020 1. Characterization of inorganic compounds

2. Colloids and surfaces

3. Synthesis and reactivity of common heterocyclic compounds

CHEMNET 12 24th May 2020 1. Nuclear chemistry

2. Solid-state

3. Chemistry of natural products

CHEMNET 13 31st May 2020 1. Polymer chemistry

2. Data analysis

3. Structure determination of organic compounds

CHEMNET 14 7th June 2020 Complete Syllabus



CSIR NET Chemical Science Syllabus


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