CSKHPKV Chemistry Job Opening – Project Associate
CSKHPKV Chemistry Job Opening Applications are invited on the prescribed form from the eligible candidates for the fellowship in the Adhoc project as per detail given below. The application complete in all respects along with bank draft of the appropriate amount of processing (application) fee, in favour of the Comptroller, CSKHPKV, Palampur, should reach the office of the Head, Department of Soil Science, COA, CSKHPKV, Palampur latest 28.02.2020 up to 5.00 PM:-
Job Title: Project Associate
No.of posts: 01
Eligibility: Graduate in Chemistry + minimum of 3 years experience in micronutrients analysis in the soil-plant system.
Application fees: Rs 450/-
Salary: Rs 25,000 pm +HRA
Work Specific Interaction will be held on 03.03.2020 at 12.30 P.M. in the office of the Head, Department of Soil Science, COA, CSKHPKV, Palampur. No separate communication in this regard shall be made.
How To Apply:Â
The application complete in all respects along with bank draft of the appropriate amount of processing (application) fee, in favour of the Comptroller, CSKHPKV, Palampur, should reach the office of the Head, Deptt. of Soil Science, COA, CSKHPKV, Palampur latest by 28.02.2020 up to 5.00 PM:-
Application form/fee and other related terms
and conditions as notified vide this office notification No. QSD.6-54 /CSKHPKV /Rectt/ 2015/- 4650-4749 dated 30.01.2016 and No. QSD.6-54/CSKHPKV/Rectt/2015/- 4750-4849 dated 30.01.2016 (in respect of Non-ICAR and ICAR funded projects respectively) may be downloaded from the university website: www.hillagric.ac.in.Last Date To Apply: 28.02.2020
View Main Notification
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