CSIR-National chemical Labrotary - Msc Chemistry PA Post

CSIR-National chemical Labrotary – Msc Chemistry PA Post

CSIR-National chemical Labrotary announces the recruitment of postgraduate Msc Chemistry candidates for the post of Project Assistant. Candidates willing to work in DST-SERB Sponsored projects may apply for this job post. Check out details like eligibility, pay scale and other relevant information on Rasayanika.

Applications are invited on plain paper for filling up of four position(s) of Project Assistants(Cat II) purely on temporary basis in the prescribed performa and the details of the Sponsored Project under which engagement is proposed to be made is as under:

Project Code: HCP0009

Project Title: MM – “Catalysis for sustainable development”

Job Title: Project Assistant

No.of posts: 01

Eligibility: M.Sc. (Chemistry) or B.E. / B. Tech (Chemical /Petrochemical engineering) with minimum 55% marks or equivalent

DesirableExperience in catalyst synthesis, characterization, operation of high-pressure reactors, basic knowledge of scale-up and process development, APSEN

Experience: one year of experience in organic synthesis.

Emoluments per month PA-II: Rs. 25,000/- (Consolidated)

Age Limit: 30 years

Job Requirement:

Catalyst synthesis and characterization, Kinetic study of the reaction, scale-up studies in both batch and continuous mode reactors, for the conversion of biomass into value-added chemicals, preparing PFDs, P&IDs material and energy balance



The engagement will be initially for a period of six months which may be extended or
curtailed depending on the duration of the tenure of sponsored project/ satisfactory performance or conduct of the appointee, as the case may be. The engagement will be purely on a temporary basis and shall not be CSIR/NCL appointment, temporary or otherwise and shall not entitle the appointee to any right/claim whatsoever, implicit or explicit, for his/her consideration against any CSIR/NCL post/fellowship.

How To Apply:

Applications giving full particulars in the following format along with two copies of recent
passport size photograph and self-attested copies of testimonials may kindly be submitted:
(1) Name of the applicant,

(2) Date of Birth,

(3) Whether belonging to SC/ST/OBC (Original Caste/Community Certificate issued by competent authorities to be produced at the time of interview in support of the claim).

(4) Educational Qualification (furnish details commencing from SSC),

(5) Experience indicating full details,

(6) Address for communication,

(7) Any closer elation** working in NCL, if yes, give details.

(8) Telephone No.,

(9) Email address

(10)Signature on application & Biodata.

The application with the above information duly signed together with photo-copies of relevant certificates/testimonials should be addressed to:

The Head, Catalysis Division, (Attn Dr.T. Raja) National Chemical Laboratory, Pune 411 008, so as to reach on or before 13/06/2019 (13th June 2019)

Last Date To Apply: 13-June-2019.

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