MSc Chemistry Project Position Vacant @ CSIR-CERI

MPharma Research Fellow Post Vacant @ IIT Ropar

Council of Scientific & Industrial Research)
KARAIKUDI – 630 003

Walk-in-Interview will be held at Central Electrochemical Research Institute, Karaikudi on 29.01.2018 (Monday) at 9.00 AM for selection of suitable candidates for the temporary position to be engaged in a project.

Job Title:    Project Assistant-II

No. of Posts:   1

Project Title: Electrochemical immunosensor for Hand held rapid detection of dengue virus infection – GAP-37/17

Age Limit: 30 Years

Salary:  Rs.14, 000/-p.m. +HRA


  • Essential : M.Sc. in Chemistry with 55% marks (50% marks for SC/ST)
  • Desirable : One year experience in Elecrochemistry/ (Bio) Sensors.

General Terms and Conditions: 

  1. Age relaxation will be given to SC/ST/PH/Women candidates upto 5 years and 3 years for OBC for all the above positions as per GOI instructions.
  2. Reservation: If all things are equal, SC/ST/OBC candidates may be given preference over general candidates to ensure due representation
  3. Candidates should possess the required educational qualification as on the date of interview.
  4. If the number of candidates is more, the candidates will be short-listed for interview through a written test.
  5. Number of positions required are indicative in nature, there may be increase/decrease in the number based on requirement.
  6. Final Year/Semester students awaiting results are not eligible.
  7. Selected candidate will be provided either accommodation in the Institute campus or HRA.
  8. The engagement is purely on temporary basis, initially for a period of six months which may be extended or curtailed depending on the tenure of the project/satisfactory performance or conduct of the appointee as the case may be and does not confer any right/claim implicit or explicit on any candidate for claiming extension or absorption in CSIR-CECRI.

Walk-In Details

  • Date of Interview – 29.01.2018 (Monday)
  • Time of Interview – 9.00 AM
  • Venue of Interview -Central Electrochemical Research Institute, Karaikudi

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