Govt Job : Pharmacist Posts @ District AIDS Prevention and Control Unit


District AIDS Prevention and Control Unit
Civil Hospital, Pune

Under Maharashtra State AIDS Control Society, Wadala, Mumbai (MSACS) and District AIDS Prevention and Control Unit, Civil Hospital Pune invites application (Excluding SMO & MO) from eligible candidates for the following post for their appointment on contract basis in ICTC, ART,SRL & DSRC Center in Pune District.

Job Title:   Pharmacist

No. of Posts:   3

Age Limit:  Upper age limit is 60 years as on date of Advertisement. Continuation will be applicable up to 62 years for contractual service.

Salary:   Rs. 36,000/-

Qualifications:  Essentially be an MBBS trained by NACO at one of the NACO designated training centers.

Application Instructions

1) Interested candidates may apply in prescribed application form with a recent passport
size photographs and a set of attested photocopies of testimonials/certificates/ID proof
2) The application is to be submit on A4 size paper only.
3) Applications can be either sent through registered/speed post or can be submitted in
person in the office of the “District AIDS Prevention and Control Unit, (DAPCU)
Chest Hospital Building ,Ground Floor , Near ART Center, Aundh, Pune -27. on all
working days between the advertised date and closing date where the candidate(s)
wish to apply.

) Last date for submit the application is 24/10/2017, applications received after this
date will not be considered.
5) All further correspondence will be done only by email. (Exam. Hall Ticket, Call letters
etc.). So, all candidates applying are required to write their personnel email ID and
contact number on application correctly and neatly in the application form.
6) Candidate should apply separately for each post.
7) After scrutinizing, the applications received in due date, short-listed candidates will
be called for written examination / interview.

Application Format

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