Apply for Pharmacist Post @ Western Coalfield Limited


Western Coalfields Limited
(A Government of India Undertaking)
Regd. Office: ‘Coal Estate’, Civil Lines,
Nagpur – 440 001.

It is proposed to fill up the post mentioned below. Applications are invited from eligible candidates in the prescribed proforma as per the following qualifications and eligibility criteria as mentioned below.

Job Title – Pharmacist (Trainee) in T&S Gr ‘C’

No.of.Posts – 1

Minimum Qualifications –

Matriculate/Diploma in Pharmacy & registered with Pharmacy Council under Pharmacy Act, 1948 with valid registration.

After completion of one year training they will be regularized in T&S and Gr. ‘C’

How to Apply:

The candidates should submit their written applications in the prescribed proforma along with attested copies of educational/technical qualification certificates and photograph through respective Controlling Authority & APM of the Area.

The applications of the willing candidates should reach in the office on or before 14.12.2016 and applications received after 14.12.2016 will not be entertained.

Application Deadline – 14th December 2016

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