Attend Walk In Interview for JRF (Organic/Medicinal Chemistry) Post @ UIAR

Laboratory glass with atom model on the white.

Application are invited for the position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in

Organic/Medicinal Chemistry at UIAR, Gandhinagar, Gujarat.

Walk in interview for the Junior Research Fellow (JRF) position in the project entitled: “Chiral Ionic Liquid: As media and catalyst in organic synthesis” at Department of Chemistry, University and Institute of Advanced Research, Koba Institutional Area, Koba, Gandhinagar-382 007 GANDHINAGAR on 1st December 2016
Job Title : Junior Research Fellowship (JRF)

No.of.Posts : ONE

Junior Research Fellowship: @12,000 p. m

Qualification: M. Sc. (Organic/Medicinal/Analytical Chemistry, Pharmaceuticals) with minimum 55% marks. Candidates having experience in the synthesis and characterization of organic molecules will be preferred.

Applications Instructions:

Interested candidates can send their curriculum vitae to Dr. Roli Mishra via

E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

For research details can visit:

Date of Interview: 1st December 2016 on 10.00 a.m.

1. only registered candidates will be interviewed
2. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
3. Interested candidates with eligibility can enroll for Ph.D. in next academic session
4. Selected candidate should be place joining immediately.


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