IICT hiring for the post of Lab Assistant – Chemical | Earn upto Rs. 39,000/- pm


IICT hiring for the post of Lab Assistant – Chemical | Earn upto Rs. 39,000/- pm

CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT), since its inception in 1944, has been instrumental in addressing numerous societal challenges and innovative solutions to problems of Indian industries in the area of drugs & pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, lipids, catalysis, functional materials, environmental, analytical, biological and engineering sciences. Traditional boundaries of scientific disciplines are rapidly disappearing, chemists, physicists, biologists and physicians are coming together in developing platform nano-biotechnolgy for combating dreaded diseases, in exploring solar energy as alternative energy source, in designing various strategic materials for example.

IICT, Bhadohi intends to make appointments for the following posts:

Post Title: Lab Assistant – Chemical (Un-reserved)

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • To assist faculty in teaching Theory and practical to B.Tech, Students/ related beneficiaries.
  • To undertake duties and responsibilities as per notification.

Educational Qualification & Experience: B.Sc (Hons) in Chemistry with minimum 60% marks or Diploma in Textile Technology/ Textile Engineering/ Textile Chemistry.2-3 year experience in Textile laboratory preferably accredited to international relevant system.. Desirable: M.Sc in Chemistry with minimum 55% marks or Degree in Textile Technology / Textile Engineering / Textile Chemistry. Ability to teach the concerned Engineering subjects

Pay Band with Grade Pay:

 Rs. 9300-34800(GP 4200)

Age: 27-35 years

No of Posts: One

Note: Age is relaxable 5 years in case of SC/ST/OBC candidates for all the posts.

How to  Apply:

Interested persons may see details available on the website of O/o Development Commissioner (Handicrafts), www.handicrafts.nic.in & Institute website. www.iict.ac.in. Application fee Rs. 500/- (Rs. 200 for SC/ST/OBC candidates) for each post is payable along with the application in form of Demand draft of any Nationalized bank in favour of Director, IICT payable at Bhadohi. The application (Bio-data) of eligible candidates in prescribed format as available on the website mentioning the name of the post applied for, on the envelope must reach Director, Indian Institute of Carpet Technology (IICT),Chauri Road, Bhadohi -221401 (U.P.) on or before 27.09.2016 along with all the relevant documents, for necessary subsequent action.

Application Deadline: 27.09.2016

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