Govt Job: Work as a Chemist for the POWERGRID, the Central Transmission Utility


Govt Job: Work as a Chemist for the POWERGRID, the Central Transmission Utility 

POWERGRID, the Central Transmission Utility (CTU) of India and a “Navratna” Public Sector Enterprise under the Ministry of Power, Govt. of India, is engaged in power transmission business with the mandate for planning, co-ordination, supervision and control over complete Inter-State transmission system and operation of National & Regional Power Grids. POWERGRID operates around 1,29,035 Circuit Kms. of transmission lines along with 207 Sub-stations (as on March 31, 2016) and wheels about 55% of total power generated in the country through its transmission networks. POWERGRID also operates around 36563 Kms. of telecom network. Western Region Transmission System-II covering the states of Gujarat , Madhya Pradesh, UT of Daman and Diu and UT of Dadra Nagar Haveli requires bright, committed & energetic persons to join its fold as Chemist for filling up current vacancies.

Name of the Post: Chemist

No. of Openings: One (UR)

Qualifications: Post Graduation Degree in Chemistry. (Full Time Course)

Pay Scale: Rs.  12500-27500/-(W4 Grade)

Maximum Age (As on 16.08.2016): 28 years for UR/OBC(NCL)/SC/ST

Final year/ Semester Students of academic session of 2016-17 who are waiting for their final results are also eligible to apply provided they have secured

required percentage of marks or equivalent CGPA in aggregate of all semesters/years up to their pre final examination as on 16.08.2016. Such candidates have to submit the final mark sheet at the time of joining (if shortlisted); otherwise their candidature shall be summarily rejected.

Selection process: Written Test (100 % weightage) & Trade Test (Qualifying in Nature)

General Instructions:

  • Only Indian Nationals who have attained the age of 18 years and above are eligible to apply.
  • Before applying, the candidate should ensure that he/ she fulfils the eligibility criteria and other norms mentioned in this advertisement.
  • Categories of PwD eligible for the posts shall be as per the categories of PwD identified suitable for the posts as per Govt. Notification.
  • For the Un Reserved (UR) vacancy, SC/ST/OBC (NCL) candidates can apply subject to meeting with all General Standards of Eligibility.
  • All Eligibility Qualification should be recognized and from a recognized Institution/ Board/ Council/ University.
  • Wherever CGPA/OGPA/DGPA or Letter Grade in a degree/ diploma is awarded, its equivalent percentage of marks must be indicated in the online application as per norms adopted by University/ Institute. Proof of norms adopted by the University/Institute to convert CGPA/OGPA/DGPA into percentage is to be submitted at the time of verification of documents , if called for.
  • Percentage of Marks obtained by the candidate in Degree/ Diploma shall be calculated based on the practice followed by the University/ Board/ Institution from where the candidate has obtained the degree. In case the University/institution does not have any scheme for converting CGPA into equivalent marks the equivalence would be established by dividing the candidates CGPA by the maximum possible CGPA and multiplying the result with 100.
  • Mere submission of application does not guarantee the adequacy of candidature for being considered for further Recruitment / selection process.

How To Apply:

  • Interested Eligible candidates should apply only through online registration system of POWERGRID. To apply logon to: ->Careers Section->Job Opportunities section and then “Recruitment of Chemist in WRTS-II” with your valid E-mail ID. No other means/ mode of application shall be accepted. POWERGRID will not be responsible for bouncing back of any email sent to the candidate.
  • Before registering and submitting their applications on the website the candidate should possess the following :- a. Valid Self E-mail ID and Mobile no. b. Scanned copy of recent passport size colour photograph of the candidate with white back ground c. Scanned signature of the candidate 3
  • PHOTOGRAPH: One recent coloured passport size photograph not more than three months old is to be scanned and uploaded in the space earmarked in the on-line application. The Photograph should be in JPG or JPEG format. The Size of the photograph should be between 20KB to 50KB.
  • SIGNATURE: Signature (in Black ink) against white background is to be scanned and uploaded in the space earmarked in the on-line application. Candidates must ensure the signature uploaded shall be maintained as same at all places viz. signature up-loaded, appended on Undertaking, Attendance Sheet of written examination, etc. If any variation is found between the signatures, the candidature is liable to be cancelled. Candidate is advised to confirm his / her uploaded signature is clearly visible / identifiable at the appropriate place. The signature should be minimum 200 dpi (dots per inch) and in JPG or JPEG format. The Size of the signature should be between 10KB to 20KB.
  • For General and OBC Candidates, once they submit their data Online, System will display a Payment Reference Number and a link for making Payment of Application Fee. Candidates have to click on that link and make the payment of Application fee.
  • For the candidates who are exempted from making Application Fee (SC/ST/PwD/Ex-Servicemen/ Departmental Candidates), once they submit their data Online, System will generate a Registration Slip having unique Registration Number. Candidates should save it and/or take its printout and keep it in safe custody.
  • While making the Payment System will again ask the details of Name, Mobile No. etc. and Payment Reference Number which was generated at the time of applying online.
  • Candidates should check that their Signature and Photograph are uploaded in the designated places in format before final submission of application.
  • Candidates are advised to take a printout of the submitted online application for submission at the time of Trade Test /Joining (As applicable) if called for, along with the following documents: (i) Date of Birth – Matriculation Certificate (Class-X)/ Birth Certificate. (ii) Educational Qualification Certificate along with mark sheets of all years/semesters of following examinationa) Matriculation (10th ) b) Intermediate (10+2) c) Diploma / Degree Certificates as applicable. d) Additional Qualification, if any.

Important Dates:

  • Online Registration Start Date 27.07.2016 (10:00 Hrs)
  • Online Registration Closing Date 16.08.2016 (24:00 Hrs)
  • Last date of Remittance of application process Charges/fee in Bank.(For already registered candidates only) 19.08.2016 (17:00 Hrs)
  • Last date of Submission of Payment details in Online Portal (For registered candidates only) 19.08.2016 (17:00 Hrs)
  • Cut-Off Date for the purpose of Upper Age limit 16.08.2016
  • Availability of Admit cards on website Will be notified later on the website.
  • Date of Written Test Will be notified later on the website.

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