JRF Chemistry @ GB Pant University of Agriculture


JRF Chemistry recruitment in G.B. Pant College of Agriculture & Generation

Undertaking Entitled : Built-in Generation Gadget for Phytoremediation of Home Waste Water with Floating Rafts (FloatMg Wetland): R&D and Pilot Checking out

Instructional Qualification : M.Sc. in Environmental Sciences/ Botany/Chemistry/B.Tech Biotech. with just right educational data with wisdom of MS. Administrative center

No. of publish : 01

Fellowship : Rs. 16,000/- pm

Stroll in Interview will probably be hung on 10.6.2016 at 11.00 A.M within the place of work of the Most important Investigator, Dept. of Environmental Sciences, School of Fundamental Science and Humanities. G.B. Pant College of Agriculture and Generation, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand. Applicants possessing the above qualifications would possibly post their software on undeniable paper within the following layout to the undersigned thru publish/e mail: [email protected] newest through 05:00 PM on 09.06.2016.  applicants are asked to post their bio-data for above-mentioned publish in a following layout along side photo-copies of supported certificate. No separate letter for interview can be issued and no TA/DA shall be paid for attending the interview

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