Walk-in-interview will be conducted for the post of Medical Officer AYUSH (Ayurvedic & Homeopathy), Pharmacist and Health Worker (F) for Additional Mobile Health Unit (MHU) under Swasthya Sanjog on the date mentioned against each under National Health Mission, Balangir on contractual basis for a term of 11 months with monthly remuneration at noted against each and subject to renewal as per the society norms basing on the performance and subject to continuance of the programme. Performance incentives and other benefits are also admissible for all posts as per norms and orders issued there under from time to time.
Post: Pharmacists.
No. of Posts: 14
UR-07 (W-02) ST-03 (W-01) SC-02 (W-01) SEBC-02 (W-01)
Candidate must have passed +2 Science Examination under Council of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha/Equivalent and Diploma in Pharmacy from any of the 3(Three) Medical College and Hospitals of the State/any other recognized private institutions duly approved by AICTE and examination conducted by the Odisha Pharmacy Board and he/she must have registered his or her name in Pharmacist Council in the State and have possessed valid registration certificates as on the date of advertisement. She/He must have attained the age of 21 years and must not be above the
Base remuneration: Rs.9,350/- pm + Others allowances as per PIP
Interview Details:
Dt: 21.04.2016,
Regd Time: 9 AM to 11.00 AM
Venue: DPMU, NHM, Dist Head Quarter Hospital, Balangir
The given positions are purely temporary and also co- terminus with the scheme. Convassing in any form will render the candidated disqualified for the positions.
Candidates who are already working in Health Department either on regualar or contractual basis, have to submit No objection Certificate form concerned employer. Interested candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria are request to downloading the application format available in the district website and the filled in application duly signed by the candidate along with self attested copies of all supportive documents and present before the Interview on the data, time & venue mentioned against each at District Programme Management Unit, NHM, Dist. Head Quarter Hospital, Balangir. Candidates are not allowed to appear in the interview after due date and registration time mentioned in advertisement.
If any candidate is found to have suppressed any material information or furnished false information/ documents, his/her case shall not be considered for the post applied for and in case already engaged on the basis of the said information/ documents, his/her service shall be terminated from the society for with.
Candidate who have been disengaged earlier from the OSH&FW Society on administrative ground such as disobedience/ poor performance/ misbehavior/ criminal activity etc. are not eligible to apply.
No personal correspondence/ enquiry will be entertained in this matter. The panel for the above positions shall also remain valid for similar post in other programmes under NHM ambit with difference in remuneration, as approved in each programme, as will be decided by the Society.
Number of vacancies under this advertisement is provisional and subject to change. The undersigned reverses the right to cancel any or all the application without assigning any reason thereof.