Applications are invited on prescribed format for the following assignment in a purely time bound research project undertaken in the Department of Electrical Engineering of the Institute.
1. Name of the Temporary Post : Project Assistant (01)
2. Name of the Research Project : “Design and development of porous Silicon based biosensor for Chromium detection in and around of Sukinda Mines Valley, Odisha”
3. Name of the Sponsoring Agency : DST, New Delhi
4. Tenure of the Project : 03 Years
5. Tenure of the Assignment : 03 Years
6 Job Description :
7. Consolidated monthly compensation / Fellowship : Rs. 13,000/- per month (for 3 year)
8. Essential Qualifications and experience : B. Sc. (Biology / Chemistry / Biotechnology / Environmental Science or relevant) with First class
9. Desirable Qualifications/ Experiences : M. Sc. (Biology / Chemistry / Biotechnology / Environmental Science or relevant) with experience in experimental analysis
10. Accommodation : Bachelor accommodation in the Institute may be provided subject to availability.
11. For technical information on the project, the candidate may contact the Principal Investigator at the following address:
Name : Dr. Paresh Govind Kale
Address : Department of Electrical Engineering N.I.T., Rourkela-769 008
Telephone No : 0661-2462447 (O)
E-mail : [email protected]
Eligible persons may apply in the prescribed format (available in the Institute Website) affixed with colored photographs to be submitted in duplicate along with photo copies of relevant certificates, grade/ mark sheets, publications etc., to Asst. Registrar, SRICCE, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela–769 008 on or before 23.05.2016. The cover should be super- scribed clearly the post applied for & Name of the Project.
Mere possession of minimum qualification does not guarantee invitation to the interview. Candidates will be short listed based on merit and need of the project.