UCMS recruitment 2016 assistant Professor 83 vacancies


University college of Medical science (UCMS) invites application for the position of 83 Assistant professor vacancies. Apply online before 23rd June 2016.

Name of post:- Assistant professor
Eligibility:- Post – graduation degree, MD / MS / DNB / MBBS / M.Sc. with Ph.D.
Job Location:- Delhi
Pay Scale:- Rs.15600 – 39100/- Per Month
Last Date:- 23rd June

Total No. of Posts:-  83  Posts

Age Limit:- The age of the candidate should not more than 40 years.

Qualification:- Candidates should have MD / MS / DNB / MBBS / M.Sc. with Ph.D.

Selection Procedure:- The selection of the candidates will be on the basis of personal interview depending on the number of applications received.

Age Relaxation:- The upper age of the candidates in relaxable for the following specified categories to the extent indicated below:-
i) By 5 years for candidates belonging to ST communities.
ii) By 5 years for candidates belonging to SC communities.
iii) By 3 years for candidates belonging to OBC communities.

Experience:- Candidates should have 3 year teaching experience as senior resident or tutor or demonstrator or registrar in the concerned specialty in a recognized teaching institution after obtaining the post – graduation degree.

Application fee:- Candidates are

required to pay application fee Rs 1000/- for general categories candidates / other backward class categories candidates and Rs 500/- for schedule caste categories candidates / schedule tribe categories candidates drawn in the favor of The Principal, UCMS payable at Delhi while filling and submitted the application. There will be no fee for person with disabilities categories candidates. The fee is non – refundable.

How to apply:- Candidates may apply online through official website of University college of Medical science (UCMS) http://www.ucms.ac.in from 24th May 2016 to 23rd June 2016 and hard copy of online application form along with self – attested copies of relevant documents send to the University college of Medical science (UCMS) and GTB hospital, Dishad Garden, Delhi:- 110095 on or before 5th July 2016.

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