"Government Job Opening: CDSCO TDA Position - Apply Now!"
"Government Job Opening: CDSCO TDA Position - Apply Now!"

Govt CDSCO MPharma TDA Job Opening – Applications Invited

F. No. D.21013/132/2018-DC
Government of India
Directorate General of Health Services
Central Drugs Standard Control Organization
(Administration Division)


The details of the vacancy in the category of outsourced position in CDSCO(HQ), New
Delhi, as on date are as under:-

Name/No. of positions: TDA (Pharmacovigilance) – 02

Remuneration (Rs.): 52,500/-

Qualification: M. Pharm (Pharmacology) from a recognized university having two years experience in the area of pharmacovigilance/pharmacovigilance programme of India. Preferably, the candidate shall have knowledge on electronic clinical pharmacovigilance data management.

Experience: Minimum 02 years of experience in teaching and/or pharmacovigilance activities in Institutions and/or Companies.

How to Apply

  1. The above vacant positions mentioned above are to be filled up through M/s Rishab
    Enterprises, who are the GeM selected outsourcing agency approved for the purpose. The
    address, etc. of the agency are as under:-
    M/s Rishab Enterprises,
    K-63-65, BK Dutt Colony,
    Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003
    E-mail : [email protected] and [email protected]
  2. The candidates who are interested to be considered and meet the qualification, experience, etc. prescribed above may apply on the above mentioned mails immediately till 28.12.2023.

Last Date to Apply: 28.12.2023

Keywords: CDSCO, TDA, Job Opening, Pharmacovigilance, MPharma, Directorate General

of Health Services, Government of India. Govt CDSCO MPharma TDA Job Opening – Applications Invited. Subscribe to Rasayanika for the latest chemistry and Pharma job openings, follow us on Facebook and Telegram and subscribe to our youtube channel for the latest updates on chemistry and Pharma jobs and much more.


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