NISER Chemistry R&D Job Opening – Applications Invited
(An autonomous research institution under Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India)
Jatni, Khurda, Odisha – 752050
Research & Development Section
Advertisement No.: NISER / R&D-198 / EPS2001 / 35 / 2023-24
Research opportunity in interdisciplinary Planetary Science project from Max Planck Society
Max Planck India Partner Group led by Dr. Thangjam at NISER Bhubaneswar (funded by Max Planck Society/Germany) is inviting highly motivated Indian nationals for a Junior Research Fellow position. The project (up to 2026) is in collaboration with Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Göttingen/Germany and others (University of Winnipeg/Canada, Planetary Science Institute, Arizona/USA). The work is interdisciplinary in nature (processing & analyzing NASA Dawn VIR/Visual & Infrared Imaging Spectrometer data) and the science objective is to investigate the formation of dwarf planet Ceres either in the main asteroid belt or migrated from the outer solar system. The main work is divided into data processing and analysis. The VIR data processing includes first 2 steps- (1) Thermal correction– Quantifying emissivity considering surface roughness and observation geometry in order to determine actual reflectance, (2) Photometric correction Quantifying reflectance wrt a standard
illumination geometry considering the wavelength dependent scattered light in a given heterogeneous natural surface. Next is data analysis and study the evolution process: (3) Spectral analysis– study the absorption features, mainly ~3.1 µm, investigating the mineral/molecule and the process (?NH4+/H2O/OH-/ice/Mg2(OH)4, and their association with Fe/Mg/Ca/Al-Si2O5 silicate and Fe/Mg/Ca/Na-CO3, (4) Evolution model- study and model assessing the thermodynamic/kinetic conditions within or far beyond the water-snowline.QUALIFICATION:
- Minimum of 60% marks or equivalent GPA in Masters or M.Tech. or M.E in Physics/ Astronomy and Astrophysics / Geology/ Geophysics/ Earth Science/ Chemistry/ Space/Engineering Physics/ Mechanical engineering/Civil engineering/Computer engineering; 4 year / 8 semester Bachelor’s degree program in Mechanical engineering/ Civil engineering/ Engineering physics/Computer engineering with a minimum of 75% marks in aggregate or equivalent
- Valid National Level Examination, i.e., CSIR-UGC-NET (LS or JRF) /GATE/JEST/equivalent.
DESIRABLE: Proficiency in python program and basics in physical chemistry & spectroscopy
FELLOWSHIP: ₹31,000/- pm plus HRA (as per rules)
MAXIMUM AGE: 28 years as on 29.11.2023, age relaxation to entitled categories as per GOI rules.
Mode of selection: Online/Offline
The position is purely temporary and initially offered for a period of 6 months but
extendable on satisfactory performance (to allow monitoring the progress constructively)
or completion of the project, whichever is earlier and strictly co-terminus with the project. It would, therefore, not confer any right/claim, implicit, or explicit for consideration/
absorption against any NISER post.
Interested candidates may send the application (page 2-3 of the advt.), CV, SOP indicating research interest and programming proficiency and knowledge in physical-chemistry/ spectroscopy/ Mineralogy/ Geochemistry, and scanned copies of relevant educational certificates, and two recommendation letters by the thesis/project/course guide to [email protected] by 29th November, 2023. Please check and contact Dr. Thangjam for further information.
No TA/DA will be paid to the candidate for appearing in the interview or joining the position.
Download the application format here
Keywords: NISER, Chemistry, R&D, Job Opening, Applications, Max Planck Society, Junior Research Fellow, interdisciplinary Planetary Science project, NASA Dawn VIR/Visual & Infrared Imaging Spectrometer data, dwarf planet Ceres, data processing, data analysis, spectral analysis, evolution model. NISER Chemistry R&D Job Opening – Applications Invited. Subscribe to Rasayanika for the latest chemistry and Pharma job openings, follow us on Facebook and Telegram and subscribe to our youtube channel for the latest updates on chemistry and Pharma jobs and much more.