CSIR-ASPIRE Research Grants for Women Scientists
Aligned to the Government of India’s initiative to empower women and promote ‘Nari Shakti’ in the country and Hon’ble Prime Minister’s efforts to put Nari Shakti at the forefront of India’s development journey, as we move towards Amrit Kal, CSIR has for the first time announced A Special Call for Research Grants for Women Scientists (CSIR-ASPIRE).
Eligbility Criteria:
In this call only women scientists across the country are eligible to apply for research grants to carry out R&D in major disciplines of science and engineering viz Life Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Physical Sciences, Engineering Sciences and inter/trans disciplinary sciences. The funds will be provided for staff (JRF/SRF/RA), contingency and minor equipment. The total budget of a research proposal including research fellow’s stipend should generally not exceed the limit of 25-30 lacs. The research proposals received from women scientists will be selected and regulated by CSIR EMR-II General Research scheme guidelines: www.csirhrdg.res.in/Home/Index/1/Default/2762/62 The proposal to be supported will be invited from women scientists across the country.
Registration Process:
The Principal Investigator (PI) has to register by providing the required details. On successful registration, the user will receive a One Time Password setting mail to his/her registered
email, using the link therein the user can create/set password for her account on the portal.General Instructions:
- Under the CSIR-ASPIRE scheme, Principal investigator of a research proposal has to be a woman scientist in regular employment.
- At the time of submission the Principal investigator (PI) must have sufficient number of years in service to complete the normal tenure of research proposal.
- The normal tenure of research proposal may be two or three years.
- The Principial investigator already having an ongoing CSIR project with more than a year’s tenure left, may not apply under the scheme this time and may wait for the next call.
Click Here To Register
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How to access research proposal and the scheme?
Is there any format for the proposal?