National AIDS Control Program – Govt CDN Pharmacist Job Opening
Civil Surgeon, District Hospital, Bhandara invites application from eligible candidates
for the following post for their appointment on a contract basis under Maharashtra State
AIDS Control Society, Wadala, Mumbai (MSACS). Check out all the details on the same below:
Job Title: Pharmacist (ARTc)
No.of posts: 01 + waiting list
a) Degree in Pharmacy from recognized Institute OR
b) Diploma holder in Pharmacy with 3 years of experience in Health care
*Note: Must be registered in the concerned state
pharmacy council
Salary: Rs. 13,000/-
How to Apply :
1) Interested candidates may apply in the prescribed application form with recent
passport size photographs and attested photocopies of testimonials/certificates/
ID proof etc
2) The application is to be submitted on A4 size paper only.
3) Applications can be either sent through registered/speed post in the office of the
“District AIDS Prevention & Control Unit, Civil Surgeon Office, Bhandara,
Tah.+Distt.Bhandara -441904’’ on all working days between the advertised date
and closing where the candidate(s) wish to apply.
4) Last date for submitting the application is 07/07/2021 applications received after this
the date will not be considered.
5) All further correspondence will be
done only by E-mail (Exam, Hall Ticket, Callletters, etc). So, all candidates applying are required to write their personnel E-mail
ID and contact number on application correctly and neatly in the application
6) Candidates should apply separately for each post.
7) After scrutinizing the applications received in the due date, short-listed candidates will
be called for the written exam, interview.
Other Important Notes :
1) Candidates who have been discontinued based on poor performance and
Candidates who are retired from Government Services and against disciplinary
action is completed OR initiated will not be eligible for any above post.
2) Project Director, MSACS, Mumbai reserves the right to cancel the recruitment,
modify the numbers of posts etc.
3) Canvassing in any way will lead to disqualification of the concerned candidate.
Last Date To Apply: – 07 /07 /2021
View Main Notification
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