IISER Kolkata Sr Research Fellow Recruitment 2021 – Applications Invited
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Thiruvananthapuram is a premier autonomous Institution established by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, for the promotion of high-quality science education and research in the country. Check out all the details on the same below:
The Institute invites applications for the following position on a contract basis:
Job Title: Senior Research Fellow
Project Title: Noble-metal free advanced catalysts for hydrogen generation and fuel cell applications
Funding agency Department of Science & Technology
Minimum Educational qualification (as prescribed by the funding agency) M.Sc in Physics/Chemistry with a minimum of 60% marks and qualified in a National level Examination (e.g. CSIR-UGC, NET, GATE, JEST or equivalent) OR Selection to Master’s Degree in Professional course through National level examinations conducted by DST, DBT, DAE, DOS, DRDO, MHRD, ICAR, ICMR, IIT, IISc, IISER etc and with minimum 2 years of research experience.
Experience in the area of electrochemical energy storage/generation, electro-/photo-catalysis for hydrogen generation.
Publications in international peer-reviewed journals.
Number of posts 1
Fellowship amount Rs. 35,000.00 + HRA
Tenure of the post 6 months, extendable based on performance
Age Below 32 years
and relaxation will be given to ST/SC/OBC/Women candidates as per DST norms.How To Apply:
How to apply Please send the following documents via e-mail as a single PDF file to Dr. M. M. Shaijumon ([email protected]) with the subject “Application for SRF/DST-HFC”
Complete CV with a list of publications; include contact details viz phone, email and postal address Brief write up of your research experience (not more than 1 page) Names of two referees who can provide recommendation letters
Last date 12 February 2021
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