Chemistry Recruitment 2020 – Banaras Hindu University
Applications are invited from the qualified candidates for the post of Junior Research Fellow for the UGC-ISF funded project sanctioned up to June 2021 (may be extended). The post is temporary and co-terminus with the project. Other terms and conditions prescribed for JRF by funding agency will be applicable.
Job Title: Junior Research Fellow – 1 post
Salary: Rs. 25,000/- plus admissible HRA & SRF@ Rs. 28,000/-plus admissible HRA
(As per GoI norms)
Eligibility: M.Sc. / M.Tech. in Chemistry with good academics
Upper age limit -28 years (Relaxation as per GoI norms)
Desirable: Experience in using Python/ GIS/ R/ MATLAB.
How To Apply:
Applications on plain paper along with complete bio-data, qualifications and experience, cell no, email ID and all supporting self-attested documents should reach to Dr. Tirthankar Banerjee, Assistant Professor, Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221 005, through speed post within 21 days from the date of advertisement, with a soft copy of all documents to [email protected].
Incomplete applications will not be considered. The date of interview will be informed after primary scrutiny of the applications only to the shortlisted candidates. All things being equal, SC/ST candidates
will be preferred as per GOI rules. No TA/DA will be paid if called for interview.Last Date To Apply: 2nd November 2020
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