AIIMS Chemical Science SRF Vacancy – Applications Invited
Applications are invited for the post of ‘Senior Research Fellow’ on Contractual Basis. AIIMS New Delhi announces senior research fellow recruitment in chemical science category. chemical science job opening at AIIMS New Delhi. Check out all the details on the same below:
Project Title: Exploring Auditory Perception in House Crows using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Neuroanatomical Techniques
Principal Investigator: Dr S Senthil Kumaran, Professor, Department of NMR & MRI Facility, AIIMS, New Delhi
Job Title: Senior Research Fellow
No.of posts: 01
Eligibility: Masters in Chemical Science or Bachelors in Medical / Engineering Sciences, with a minimum of 60% in the qualifying examination A minimum of two years of research ex experience com also
Desirable: Experience on acquisition and analysis of MRI (Magnetic Resonance Ima in data
Salary: As per DST Rule
Age Limit: 32 years
Date of interview Will be intimated to the shortlisted candidates by email. The interview will be an online platform.
Email your application along-with CV at: [email protected]/ [email protected]
Last date of application Submission: 18.09.2020
After the screening of the applications, eligible candidates will be intimated regarding interview details.
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Editors Note: AIIMS Chemical Science SRF