IIT Bhubaneswar SRF Post Vacancy – MSc Chemistry Candidates Apply
Walk‐in‐Interview for the following assignment in a purely time-bound research project undertaken in the School of Basic Sciences of this Institute. MSc Chemistry job opening at IIT Bhubaneswar. Job Opening for chemistry candidates in the research and development department at IIT Bhubaneswar. Check out all the details on the same below:
Name of the Temporary Assignment: Senior Research Fellow – 1 position
Name of the temporary research Project: “Blending traditional and newer synthetic methods for regio‐/stereoselective synthesis of functionalized carbo‐/heterocycles: Application towards the asymmetric total synthesis of some complex bioactive terpenoid‐alkaloids”.
Name of the Sponsoring Agency: Department Science and Technology (DST)
Consolidated Emoluments: Rs. 35,000/‐ per month
Qualification & Experiences: M.Sc in Chemistry with minimum 55% or (CGPA>5.5) with 2 years post M.Sc. research experience and preferably with 1 research
publication with valid GET score/ NET‐LS.
Period of Engagement: Initially for 1 year with possible extension depending on
the performance
Duration of the project : 3 years
Date and Time of Interview: 15th May 2020 at 10:00 AM
Venue of Interview: School of Basic Sciences Building, Room No. 16, IIT
Bhubaneswar, Argul‐ 752050, Khordha, Odisha, India.
How To Apply:
candidates with required qualifications may attend this Walk‐in‐Interview with original and attested copies of all certificates and testimonials related to their qualification.View Main Notification
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