NIH Chemistry Job Ministry of Jal Shakti – Application Details
NIH Chemistry Job Govt jobs. NIH Chemistry Job Online applications are invited for the following posts to be filled up by direct recruitment/absorption/deputation in National Institute of Hydrology (A Govt. of India Society under Ministry of Jal Shakti, Department of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation), at its Headquarters and Regional Centre at Guwahati, Belgavi, Patna, Kakinada, Jammu and Bhopal or any part of the country where the Institute may set up offices/ regional centres from Indian Nationals satisfying qualifications and experience as under:
Position 1
Job Title: Scientist D
Educational/Academic Qualifications:
At least 60% marks or equivalent in Master’s Degree (with Under Graduate degree in
Engineering with at least 60% marks or equivalent) in any one of the following
Specializations for NIH Chemistry Job :
Doctorate degree (with PG degree in Engg./Science with at least 60% marks or equivalent)
in any one of the following specializations:
1. Experience of 6 years in Research & Development organizations and/or academic
and/or industrial institutions, out of which at least 2 years should be at Scientist C
or equivalent Level-11 (Rs. 67700-208700) of pay matrix or 5 years at Scientist B
or equivalent Level-10 (Rs. 56100-177500) of pay matrix.
2. Publications in reputed national and international journals dealing with hydrology
and water resources.
1. Proven ability to guide and coordinate research projects.
For absorption/deputation
Officers of Central/State Govts/PSUs/ autonomous organizations:
(i) holding analogous posts on regular basis; or
(ii) with 2 years’ regular service in posts in the Level-11 (Rs. 67700-208700) of pay
matrix; or
(iii) with 5 years’ regular service in posts in the Level-10 (Rs. 56100-177500) of pay
Possessing the qualifications and experience prescribed for direct recruits.
Pay Scale: Level-11 (Rs. 67700-208700)Level-10 (Rs. 56100-177500)
Position 2
Job Title: Scientist C
Educational/Academic Qualifications:
Doctorate degree (with PG degree in Engg./Science with at least 60% marks or equivalent)
in the following specializations:Chemistry
1. Experience of 3 years in Research & Development organizations and/or academic
and/or industrial institutions, out of which at least 2 years should be at Scientist B
in Level-10 (Rs. 56100-177500) in the pay matrix or equivalent.
2. Publications in reputed national and international journals dealing with hydrology
and water resources.
3. Proven ability to guide and coordinate research projects.
For absorption/deputation
Officers of Central/State Govts/PSUs/ autonomous organizations:
(i) holding analogous posts on regular basis; or
(ii) with 2 years’ regular service in posts in the Level-10 (Rs. 56100-177500) in the pay
(iii) Possessing the qualifications and experience prescribed for direct recruits.
Postion 3
Job Title: Scientist B
Eligibility: Doctorate degree (with PG degree in Engg./Science with at least 60% marks or equivalent) in any one of the following specializations:
Water Resources/ Hydrology /Physics/Chemistry/Earth Sciences/Environmental Sciences/
Desirable: Valid NET/GATE qualifications.
1. Educational qualification should be duly recognized by UGC/AICTE.
2. The qualification(s) regarding experience is relaxable at the discretion of the competent
authority in the case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes if at any
stage of selection, the competent authority is of the opinion that sufficient number of
candidates from these communities possessing the requisite experience is not likely to be
available to fill up the vacancy reserved for them.
3. Screening Committee can exercise discretion regarding fulfilment of experience criteria in the specified pay scales, and equivalence of pay matrix.
4. For a candidate holding PhD degree in engineering, before joining the first regular
service, the time spent on PhD shall be considered as research experience up to a
maximum of three years.
5. For a candidate holding PhD degree in Sciences, the time spent on Postdoctoral research before joining the first regular service shall be considered as research experience up to a maximum of two years.
1. All the above posts carry usual pay & allowances as admissible under the Central
Government Rules. The NPS is available in the Institute.
2. Appointment on deputation will be on Foreign Service terms for a period of 3 years. The
pay of officers selected for deputation will be regulated in accordance with the provisions
contained in DOPT O.M. No. 6/08/2009-Estt(Pay-II) dated 17.6.2010.
3. The period of deputation including the period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held
immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other organization/
department of the Central Govt. shall ordinary not exceed five years.
4. The age of the candidate in case of deputation shall not exceed 56 years.
5. Those already in Govt. service should send their application through proper channel. The
concerned department while forwarding their applications should give / furnish the
following certificate/ documents:
(a) Certified that the Information furnished in the application are correct from the
service records of the candidates and found correct.
(b) Certified that no vigilance or disciplinary case is either pending or being
(c) Certified that no minor/major penalty has been imposed on him/ her during the
last ten years.
6. If the number of candidates is too large, the Institute reserves the right to shortlist the
candidates to be called for interview as decided by the Screening Committee.
7. The candidates called for interview will be paid TA as per Institute’s Rules.
8. Applications not accompanied by the certified copies of certificates ( including proof of
qualifications. Age, caste certificate, etc) and applications received after due date for
any reason (including postal delay) are liable to be summarily rejected. No
representation or correspondence regarding such rejection shall be entertained under any
9. The envelope containing the application form should be superscribed in the bold letter as “ Application for Post of Scientist F/Scientist D/Scientist C/Scientist B-NIH, Roorkee.”.
10. The hardcopy of application filled online should be submitted to the Senior Administrative Officer, National Institute of Hydrology, Jal Vigyan Bhawan, Roorkee- 2476678 (Uttrakhand) within 60 days from the date of appearance of Advt., in the Employment News.
11. Candidates are required to pay a fee of Rs. 100/- ( Rs. One hundred only) for the above posts in the shape of Bank Draft drawn in favour of “National Institute of Hydrology”,
payable at SBI Branch of IIT Roorkee with the name of the candidate, post name written
on its backside. However, candidates belonging to PH are not required to pay any fee. No
fee exemption is available to OBC candidates and they are required to pay the full
prescribed fee of Rs.100/-. No fee is required for the ST candidates applying against the
post reserved for ST category.
13. All the dispute/litigation, if any, will be subject to Roorkee (Uttrakhand) jurisdiction
14. Candidates are advised to visit the Institute web site regularly for any updates
regarding the recruitment of these vacancies.
Procedure for applying online
(1) Candidates are first required to go to the NIH’s website and click
on the link ‘Career and Opportunities’ and then click on the option “CLICK HERE TO APPLY
ONLINE FOR ADVERTISEMENT NO. 2019/02” to open the On-Line Application Form.
(2) To register an application (one time only), choose the tab “Register NOW!” and enter Name, Email ID password. Candidate should remember his/her email id and password.
(3) In case the candidate is unable to complete the application form in one go, he / she can
save the data already entered by choosing “Save & Continue” tab. Prior to submission of
the online application, candidates are advised to use the ” Save & Continue ” facility to
verify the details in the online application form and modify the same if required.
(4) Candidates are advised to carefully fill and verify the details filled in the online application themselves as no change will be possible/ entertained after clicking the FINAL SUBMIT BUTTON.
(5) The Name of the candidate or his /her Father/ Mother etc. should be spelt correctly in the application as it appears in the 10th Class Certificates/ Mark sheets. Any change/alteration found may disqualify the candidature.
(6) Validate your details and Save your application by clicking the ” Save & Continue ‘.
(7) Candidates need to upload Passport size Photo & Signature (Preferred size: 4.5cm ×
3.5cm); max size 500 KB and 100 KB respectively.
(8) Candidates need to fill each section then he/she can proceed to fill details of other sections of Application Form.
(9) Click on the Preview Details to preview and verify the entire application form before FINAL SUBMIT.
(10) Please fill the correct details of the Demand Draft in “DD Details” section.
(11) Modify details, if required, and click on ‘FINAL SUBMIT’ ONLY after verifying and ensuring that the photograph and signature are uploaded and other details filled by you are correct.
(12) Click on ‘Final Submit’ button.
Note: After the online filing of applications, candidates are required to take a printout of their system generated online application forms and acknowledgement slip.
Submission of Hard copy of Application form:
Print the application form and send it to the following address along with original Demand Draft
(DD) of rupees 100/-, by Speed/Registered post only:
Senior Administrative Officer
National Institute of Hydrology
Jalvigyan Bhawan
Roorkee 247667, Distt. Haridwar (Uttarakhand)
NOTE: 1. Envelope of the Application form may be superscripted as “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF …………………………………………….)
Applications without generation of acknowledged slip online shall not be considered.
Certified that all information given in the application form is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. (STRIKE OUT WHICHEVER IS NOT APPLICABLE)
The online option will remain open for a period of 60 days (last date 17.03.2020) after it
is published in Employment News. The print out of completed online application along with all relevant supporting documents duly self-attested addressed to the Senior Administrative Officer, National Institute of Hydrology, Jal Vigyan Bhawan, Roorkee – 247 667 (Uttarakhand) must reach in the Institute on or before 23.03.2020 through Speed/Registered post only. The A4 size envelope containing the complete application should be super-scribed “Application for the post of __________________.
Last Date To Apply: 23.03.2020
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