University of Calcutta Chemistry Jobs – Junior Research Fellow
Applications in the given format are invited for “Walk-in-Interview” from Indian Nationals for the following assignment in a purely time-bound research project undertaken in the Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta, 92 APC Road, Kolkata-700009. Check out all the details on the same below:
Name of the post-Junior Research Fellow (JRF)
Number of Post One (01)
Name of the Research Project Engineering of hybrid organic-inorganic perovskite
materials for highly efficient photoelectrochemical cells
Name of the Investigators Principal Investigator (PI):Dr. Subhasis Roy,
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Rajabazar Science college, University of Calcutta, Mob: 9775032952, Email:[email protected]
Co-Principal Investigator (CO-PI): Professor KajariKargupta, Professor, Chemical Engineering Department, Jadavpur University, Mobile: 8583966856, Email: [email protected]
Name of the Sponsoring Agency DST, Govt. of India
Tenure of Appointment Initial appointment will be given for one (1) year, and
is extendable up to 3 years based on performance till the project completion
Consolidated monthly compensation Rs. 31,000/- pm plus HRA as per DST norms
Essential Qualifications M.Sc../ M.Tech. in Chemistry, Applied Chemistry,
Pure and Applied Physics, Chemical Engineering, Material Science, Ceramic Engineering, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Energy Science and Tech. or
Essential: NET, GATE, or equivalent
Desirable: Preference will be given to the candidates having experience in the area of synthesis and characterization of perovskite materials in nanodimension shape,high functionality device design, and fabrication of solar-cell, photoelectrochemical water
splitting, and supercapacitors.
Age As per DST norms
Date and time of interview Venue
21st January 2020 (21.01.2020) at 2:00 PM
Venue: Room of Head of the Department, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta, 92 APC Road, Kolkata-700009
The candidates are requested to send their CV to the following E-mail address of PI on or before 18th January 2020. Principal Investigator (PI): Dr. Subhasis Roy, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Rajabazar Science college, University of Calcutta, Mob: 9775032952, Email: [email protected]
Note: No DA/TA will be provided to the candidates
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